In the production of monoclonal antibodies (MCA), the cells of hybridoma clone immobilized in a hollow fiber reactor using ------------------------ gel.[ c ]
a. Agar b. A Cacia c. Polyacryl amide d. Polyamide

The rejection of transplanted organs, especially kidney transplants, is associated with OKT-3 antigen present on the surface of ----------------- cells.[ a ]
a. T-cell b. B-Cells c. Nerve cell d. Lymphocytes

Tumour Necrosis factor (TNF) is a protein that ------------ [ b ]
a. Fasten the growth and kills the cancer cells
b. Shows down the growth and kills the cancer cells
c. Stop the growth and kills the cancer cells.
d. None

Antibodies Consisting of parts of polypeptide chains of two different species are called
[ a ]
a. Chimeric antibodies b. Monoclonal antibodies c. Hybridoma d. Clone

The antigen binding site consists of ------------------ polypeptide chains. [ b ]
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

Insulin, a hormone secreted by ----------------- cells of the Islets of Laugerhans of Pancrease.
a. Alpha b. Beta c. Garua d. Delta

Inadequate secretions of Insulin leads to ----------------- [ c ]
a. Increased B.P b. Hypoglyceucia c. Hyperglycemia d. Hypoglycosurea

To cleave the b-galactosidase from the Insulin polyptide ---------------- is used [ c ]
a. Cyauogen Chloride b. Cynogen fluoride c. Cyanogen Bromide
d. None

Somatoltropin is a protein acorns hormone since it consists of CooH group at one end and --------------------- at other end of its structure. [ b ]
a. Nitrogroup b. Ammonia Group c. Sulphide group
d. Phenolic group

a - Interferons are produced by virus infected --------------------- [ a ]
a. Leucocytes b. Lymphocytes c. Erythrocytes d. Thrombocytes

b - Interferone are produced by virus infected --------------------- [ c ]
a. Leucocytes b. Erythrocytes c. Fibroblasts d. Monocytes

The --------------- interferons are also known as leucocytic interferons [ a ]
a. a b. b c. g d. l

The purified interferons after production are dried by -------------- method [ c ]
a. Dry heat b. Moist heat c. Freezing d. Chemical

Interleukins are small glycoproteins that stimulate the proliferation of ----------- cells [ a ]
a. B-cells b. Erythrocytes c. Leucocytes d. Thrombocytes

Interleukin – 2 (IL-2) is used to treat -------------------- [ c ]
a. Tuberculosis b. Control HIV c. Malignant melanoma d. Viral fever

Compounds that dissolve blood clots in the blood vessels and cavity of the heart are called. [c]
a. Thrombocytes b. Clotting agents c. Haemolytics d. Thrombolytics

The small protein that stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells is [ a ]
a. Erythropoietin b. Erythromycin c. Haemopoietin d. All the above

Suspension of killed or modified live virus or bacterium injected into the body to stimulate immunity against the pathogen is called ---------------- [ d ]
a. Antibiotic b. Antiviral c. Antibacterial d. Vaccine

Testing of newborn children for genetic disease, is known as ---------------- [ c ]
a. Parental Screening b. Antenatal Screening c. Postnatal Screening
d. Gene therapy

Diagnosis of genetic disorders in fetus while it is in mother’s womb is called as [ b ]
a. Parental Screening b. Antenatal Screening c. Postnatal Screening
d. Gene therapy

The protein which catalyse the biochemical reactions in living cells is [ b ]
a. Harmone b. Enzyme c. Vitamin d. Metabolite

Which of the following method adopted for culturing microorganisms to produce enzymes
a. Solid substrate cultivation b. Deep bed cultivation
c. Submerged cultivation d. All the above

Which of the following is an antibacterial drug. [ c ]
a. Penicillin b. Streptomycin c. Ciprofloxacin d. None

Protein component of an enzyme is known as --------------- [ d ]
a. Holoenzyme b. Co-enzyme c. Endoenzyme d. Apoenzyme

Which of the following is NOT an Exoenzyme [ d ]
a. Amylase b. Lipase c. Protease d. Lipase

In prokaryotic cells the DNA present in [ b ]
a. Nuclei b. Protoplasm c. Chloroplast d. Mitochondria

In prokaryotic cells the DNA occurs freely in the for of [ c ]
a. Nucleic acid b. Ribosome c. Nucleoid d. Nuclein

Nucleic acids containing ribose sugar as pentose sugar are known as -------------- [ a ]
a. RNA b. DNA c. Ribosome d. Nucleotide

RNA contains Uracil instead of ---------------- as nitrogen base. [ c ]
a. Adenine b. Guanine c. Thymine d. Cytosine

Transfer RNA is known as soluble RNA since it is soluble in --------------- [ c ]
a. Water b. Fat c. Nacl d. Acid

Which one of the following is a Biopharmaceutical compound [ b ]
a) Glucose b) Insulin c) Glycerol d) Fatty acid

Which one of the following is not a Biopharmaceutical compound [ d ]
a) Therapeutic proteins b) Antibodies c) Interferons d) Ethonol

Odd man out [ d ]
a) Glycoproteins b) Antibodies c) Enzymes d) Antibiotics

Genetic engineering refers to [ c ]
a) Proteomics b) Genomics c) Recombinant DNA technology
d) Tissue culture

The first antibody released in immune response mechanism is [ b ]
a) Ig M b) Ig G c) Ig E d) Ig A

The production of ? – DNA protein is depends up on [ a ]
a) Plasmids b) Microbes c) Plants d) Animals

Which one of the following is not a therapeutic protein [ d ]
a) Insulin b) Antibodies c) Interferons d) Haemoglobin

Hormones are ………………… by nature [ a ]
a) Steroids b) Low molecular wt. organic compounds c) High density proteins d) Lipids
Antiviral protein substance is [ c ]
a) Cytokines b) IAA c) Interferons d) Steroids

Ribozyme is [ d ]
a) RNA b) mRNA c) tRNA d) RNA with catalytic activity

Cytokines are …………. . by nature . [ c ]
a) RNA molecules b) DNA molecules
c) Protein molecules d) Lipids

Biocatalyst may be. [ d ]
a) Ribozymes b) Enzymes c) Abzymes d) All the above

The material used for preparation of capsule shell [ a ]
a) Gelatin b) Glycolipids c) Starch d) Calcium carbonate

The material used as drug delivery system is [ b ]
a) Proteins b) Liposomes c) Triglycerides d) Fats

Which of the following is a broad spectrum antibiotic [ b ]
a) Penicillin b) Streptomycin c) Paracetamol d) Erythromycin

The production of monoclonal antibodies can be considered as [ c ]
a) Hybrid synthesis b) Hybrid technology c) Hybridoma technology
d) Cancer cell technology

Antibodies can be used in [ d ]
a) Detection of diseased b) Treatment of diseases
c) Construction of Biosensors d) All the above

Tumor is a result of [ a ]
a) Abnormal and uncontrolled cell division
b) Controlled cell division
c) Meosis d) None of the above

Cholera is mainly due to [ a ]
a) Water contamination b) Food contamination
c) Air pollution d) Soil pollution

The sustained delivered drug may be [ b ]
a) Antibodies b) Insulin c) Glycoproteins d) Lipases

Lyposomes are Uni or multilayered vesicles of ---------------------- [ c ]
a. Enzymes b. Harmones c. Phospholipids d. Carbohydrates

In subdermal implants for controlled drug delivery, which of the following is NOT the mechanism of controlled delivery. [ d ]
a. Diffusion b. Swelling c. Osmosis d. Carrier medicated

Which of the following material as implant is used for subdermal controlled drug delivery
a. Carbon b. Metal c. Polymer d. Plastic

[ c ]

Material used for needle injection catheter is [ d ]
a. Carbon b. Graphite c. Copper d. Polyethylene

The compound formed by chemical modifications to enhance the absorption is known as
a. Drug b. Co-Drug c. Prodrug d. Carrier

[ c ]

Multilammelar liposomes have a diameter range of [ c ]
a. 1 nm to 4 µm b. 10 nm to 4 µm c. 25 nm to 4 µm d. 50 nm to 4 µm

One of the following mechanism is NOT applicable to Liposome – cell interaction in drug delivery. [ b ]
a. Endocytosis b. Exocytosis c. Fusion d. Adsorption

Increased protein intake is accompanied by an increased dietary requirement for [ a ]
a. Thiamine b. Riboflavin c. Folic acid d. Nicotinic acid

A pathway that require NADPH as a cofactor is [ a ]
a. Extramitochondrial folic acid synthesis b. Ketone body formation
c. Glycogenesis d. Gluconeogenesis

In mammalian cells, ribosomal RNA is produced mainly in [ b ]
a. Nucleus b. Nucleolus c. Ribosome d. Golgiapparatus

Inactive zymogens are precursors of all the following gastrointestinal enzymes, except…
a. Carboxypeptidase b. Pepsin c. Aminopeptidase d. Chymotrypsin

[ c ]
An antibiotic which has a half-life of one day is formulated as a tablet. How many milligrams of antibiotic would remain after three days? [ a ]
a. 25 b. 50 c. 100 d. 200

Streptokinase may be indicated for the treatment of [ b ]
a. Impaired fat absorption b. Pulmonary Emboli
c. Tuberculosis d. Neoplastic disorders

Lactic acid is --------------- [ c ]
a. Ethandioic acid b. Dihydroxysuccinic acid
c. 2-hydroxypropionic acid d. Ethanoic acid

Man cannot synthesis vitamin [ c ]
a. A b. B c. C d. D

Glycogen is present is all body tissues except. [ b ]
a. Liver b. Brain c. Kidney d. Stomach

Cholesterol, bilesalts, vitamin and sex harmones are [ d ]
a. Mucolipids b. Glycolipids c. Phospholipids d. Isoprenoidlipids

Vitamin – A is required for formation of light receptor protein [ d ]
a. Globulins b. Lipoproteins c. Chromoproteins d. Rhodopsin

Hapten is --------------- [ d ]
a. Partial antigen b. Complete antigen c. High molecular with protein
d. Immunoglobulin

CD4 cells are also known as ------------------ [ a ]
a. T4 cells b. Helper T-cells c. Killer T-cells d. Both a & b

A highly sensitive semi quantitative methods of detecting microbial antigen in biological fluid is done by [ b ]
a. Radio immuno electrophoresis b. Counter immuno electrophoresis
c. H.P.L.C d. Freeze dried centrifugal methods

Infected blood products may produce serum hepatitis due to presence of -------------- [ b ]
a. Hepatitis – A virus b. Hepatitis – B virus
c. Hepatitis – C virus b. All the above

Small pox vaccine contains [ c ]
a. Living virus Vaccine b. Living culture of B.C.G
c. Attenuated staphylococcus d. Living virus of hepatitis

Wasermann test complement fixation is used for the cliagnosis of [ b ]
a. Small pox b. Syphilis c. Typhoid d. Rabbies

Among the immunizing agents listed below one of them is orally administered. [ c ]
a. Tetanus Toxoid b. Rabies Vaccine c. Poliomyelitis Vaccine
d. Mumps virus vaccine

An example of cytokine is [ a ]
a. Interlenkin b. Insulin c. Gonadotropin d. Thyroxin

How many nucleotides are normally present in tRNA of both prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells? [ c ]
a. 1700 nucleotides b. 3700 nucleotides c. 75 nucleotides d. 120 nucleotides

Vitamin B12 is obtained biotechnology from [ b ]
a. Micrococcus glutamicus b. Propioni Bacterium shermani
c. Eremotheciumm cerevisiae d. None

The gene responsible for onset and development of caner in human are called [ c ]
a. Master gene b. Slave gene c. Oncogene d. control gene

The pH which an enzyme has maximum activity is known as [ b ]
a. Isoelectric pH b. Optimum pH c. Low pH d. High pH

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