a. Agar b. A Cacia c. Polyacryl amide d. Polyamide
The rejection of transplanted organs, especially kidney transplants, is associated with OKT-3 antigen present on the surface of ----------------- cells.[ a ]
a. T-cell b. B-Cells c. Nerve cell d. Lymphocytes
Tumour Necrosis factor (TNF) is a protein that ------------ [ b ]
a. Fasten the growth and kills the cancer cells
b. Shows down the growth and kills the cancer cells
c. Stop the growth and kills the cancer cells.
d. None
Antibodies Consisting of parts of polypeptide chains of two different species are called
[ a ]
a. Chimeric antibodies b. Monoclonal antibodies c. Hybridoma d. Clone
The antigen binding site consists of ------------------ polypeptide chains. [ b ]
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
Insulin, a hormone secreted by ----------------- cells of the Islets of Laugerhans of Pancrease.
a. Alpha b. Beta c. Garua d. Delta
Inadequate secretions of Insulin leads to ----------------- [ c ]
a. Increased B.P b. Hypoglyceucia c. Hyperglycemia d. Hypoglycosurea
To cleave the b-galactosidase from the Insulin polyptide ---------------- is used [ c ]
a. Cyauogen Chloride b. Cynogen fluoride c. Cyanogen Bromide
d. None
Somatoltropin is a protein acorns hormone since it consists of CooH group at one end and --------------------- at other end of its structure. [ b ]
a. Nitrogroup b. Ammonia Group c. Sulphide group
d. Phenolic group
a - Interferons are produced by virus infected --------------------- [ a ]
a. Leucocytes b. Lymphocytes c. Erythrocytes d. Thrombocytes
b - Interferone are produced by virus infected --------------------- [ c ]
a. Leucocytes b. Erythrocytes c. Fibroblasts d. Monocytes
The --------------- interferons are also known as leucocytic interferons [ a ]
a. a b. b c. g d. l
The purified interferons after production are dried by -------------- method [ c ]
a. Dry heat b. Moist heat c. Freezing d. Chemical
Interleukins are small glycoproteins that stimulate the proliferation of ----------- cells [ a ]
a. B-cells b. Erythrocytes c. Leucocytes d. Thrombocytes
Interleukin – 2 (IL-2) is used to treat -------------------- [ c ]
a. Tuberculosis b. Control HIV c. Malignant melanoma d. Viral fever
Compounds that dissolve blood clots in the blood vessels and cavity of the heart are called. [c]
a. Thrombocytes b. Clotting agents c. Haemolytics d. Thrombolytics
The small protein that stimulates the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells is [ a ]
a. Erythropoietin b. Erythromycin c. Haemopoietin d. All the above
Suspension of killed or modified live virus or bacterium injected into the body to stimulate immunity against the pathogen is called ---------------- [ d ]
a. Antibiotic b. Antiviral c. Antibacterial d. Vaccine
Testing of newborn children for genetic disease, is known as ---------------- [ c ]
a. Parental Screening b. Antenatal Screening c. Postnatal Screening
d. Gene therapy
Diagnosis of genetic disorders in fetus while it is in mother’s womb is called as [ b ]
a. Parental Screening b. Antenatal Screening c. Postnatal Screening
d. Gene therapy
The protein which catalyse the biochemical reactions in living cells is [ b ]
a. Harmone b. Enzyme c. Vitamin d. Metabolite
Which of the following method adopted for culturing microorganisms to produce enzymes
a. Solid substrate cultivation b. Deep bed cultivation
c. Submerged cultivation d. All the above
Which of the following is an antibacterial drug. [ c ]
a. Penicillin b. Streptomycin c. Ciprofloxacin d. None
Protein component of an enzyme is known as --------------- [ d ]
a. Holoenzyme b. Co-enzyme c. Endoenzyme d. Apoenzyme
Which of the following is NOT an Exoenzyme [ d ]
a. Amylase b. Lipase c. Protease d. Lipase
In prokaryotic cells the DNA present in [ b ]
a. Nuclei b. Protoplasm c. Chloroplast d. Mitochondria
In prokaryotic cells the DNA occurs freely in the for of [ c ]
a. Nucleic acid b. Ribosome c. Nucleoid d. Nuclein
Nucleic acids containing ribose sugar as pentose sugar are known as -------------- [ a ]
a. RNA b. DNA c. Ribosome d. Nucleotide
RNA contains Uracil instead of ---------------- as nitrogen base. [ c ]
a. Adenine b. Guanine c. Thymine d. Cytosine
Transfer RNA is known as soluble RNA since it is soluble in --------------- [ c ]
a. Water b. Fat c. Nacl d. Acid
Which one of the following is a Biopharmaceutical compound [ b ]
a) Glucose b) Insulin c) Glycerol d) Fatty acid
Which one of the following is not a Biopharmaceutical compound [ d ]
a) Therapeutic proteins b) Antibodies c) Interferons d) Ethonol
Odd man out [ d ]
a) Glycoproteins b) Antibodies c) Enzymes d) Antibiotics
Genetic engineering refers to [ c ]
a) Proteomics b) Genomics c) Recombinant DNA technology
d) Tissue culture
The first antibody released in immune response mechanism is [ b ]
a) Ig M b) Ig G c) Ig E d) Ig A
The production of ? – DNA protein is depends up on [ a ]
a) Plasmids b) Microbes c) Plants d) Animals
Which one of the following is not a therapeutic protein [ d ]
a) Insulin b) Antibodies c) Interferons d) Haemoglobin
Hormones are ………………… by nature [ a ]
a) Steroids b) Low molecular wt. organic compounds c) High density proteins d) Lipids
Antiviral protein substance is [ c ]
a) Cytokines b) IAA c) Interferons d) Steroids
Ribozyme is [ d ]
a) RNA b) mRNA c) tRNA d) RNA with catalytic activity
Cytokines are …………. . by nature . [ c ]
a) RNA molecules b) DNA molecules
c) Protein molecules d) Lipids
Biocatalyst may be. [ d ]
a) Ribozymes b) Enzymes c) Abzymes d) All the above
The material used for preparation of capsule shell [ a ]
a) Gelatin b) Glycolipids c) Starch d) Calcium carbonate
The material used as drug delivery system is [ b ]
a) Proteins b) Liposomes c) Triglycerides d) Fats
Which of the following is a broad spectrum antibiotic [ b ]
a) Penicillin b) Streptomycin c) Paracetamol d) Erythromycin
The production of monoclonal antibodies can be considered as [ c ]
a) Hybrid synthesis b) Hybrid technology c) Hybridoma technology
d) Cancer cell technology
Antibodies can be used in [ d ]
a) Detection of diseased b) Treatment of diseases
c) Construction of Biosensors d) All the above
Tumor is a result of [ a ]
a) Abnormal and uncontrolled cell division
b) Controlled cell division
c) Meosis d) None of the above
Cholera is mainly due to [ a ]
a) Water contamination b) Food contamination
c) Air pollution d) Soil pollution
The sustained delivered drug may be [ b ]
a) Antibodies b) Insulin c) Glycoproteins d) Lipases
Lyposomes are Uni or multilayered vesicles of ---------------------- [ c ]
a. Enzymes b. Harmones c. Phospholipids d. Carbohydrates
In subdermal implants for controlled drug delivery, which of the following is NOT the mechanism of controlled delivery. [ d ]
a. Diffusion b. Swelling c. Osmosis d. Carrier medicated
Which of the following material as implant is used for subdermal controlled drug delivery
a. Carbon b. Metal c. Polymer d. Plastic
[ c ]
Material used for needle injection catheter is [ d ]
a. Carbon b. Graphite c. Copper d. Polyethylene
The compound formed by chemical modifications to enhance the absorption is known as
a. Drug b. Co-Drug c. Prodrug d. Carrier
[ c ]
Multilammelar liposomes have a diameter range of [ c ]
a. 1 nm to 4 µm b. 10 nm to 4 µm c. 25 nm to 4 µm d. 50 nm to 4 µm
One of the following mechanism is NOT applicable to Liposome – cell interaction in drug delivery. [ b ]
a. Endocytosis b. Exocytosis c. Fusion d. Adsorption
Increased protein intake is accompanied by an increased dietary requirement for [ a ]
a. Thiamine b. Riboflavin c. Folic acid d. Nicotinic acid
A pathway that require NADPH as a cofactor is [ a ]
a. Extramitochondrial folic acid synthesis b. Ketone body formation
c. Glycogenesis d. Gluconeogenesis
In mammalian cells, ribosomal RNA is produced mainly in [ b ]
a. Nucleus b. Nucleolus c. Ribosome d. Golgiapparatus
Inactive zymogens are precursors of all the following gastrointestinal enzymes, except…
a. Carboxypeptidase b. Pepsin c. Aminopeptidase d. Chymotrypsin
[ c ]
An antibiotic which has a half-life of one day is formulated as a tablet. How many milligrams of antibiotic would remain after three days? [ a ]
a. 25 b. 50 c. 100 d. 200
Streptokinase may be indicated for the treatment of [ b ]
a. Impaired fat absorption b. Pulmonary Emboli
c. Tuberculosis d. Neoplastic disorders
Lactic acid is --------------- [ c ]
a. Ethandioic acid b. Dihydroxysuccinic acid
c. 2-hydroxypropionic acid d. Ethanoic acid
Man cannot synthesis vitamin [ c ]
a. A b. B c. C d. D
Glycogen is present is all body tissues except. [ b ]
a. Liver b. Brain c. Kidney d. Stomach
Cholesterol, bilesalts, vitamin and sex harmones are [ d ]
a. Mucolipids b. Glycolipids c. Phospholipids d. Isoprenoidlipids
Vitamin – A is required for formation of light receptor protein [ d ]
a. Globulins b. Lipoproteins c. Chromoproteins d. Rhodopsin
Hapten is --------------- [ d ]
a. Partial antigen b. Complete antigen c. High molecular with protein
d. Immunoglobulin
CD4 cells are also known as ------------------ [ a ]
a. T4 cells b. Helper T-cells c. Killer T-cells d. Both a & b
A highly sensitive semi quantitative methods of detecting microbial antigen in biological fluid is done by [ b ]
a. Radio immuno electrophoresis b. Counter immuno electrophoresis
c. H.P.L.C d. Freeze dried centrifugal methods
Infected blood products may produce serum hepatitis due to presence of -------------- [ b ]
a. Hepatitis – A virus b. Hepatitis – B virus
c. Hepatitis – C virus b. All the above
Small pox vaccine contains [ c ]
a. Living virus Vaccine b. Living culture of B.C.G
c. Attenuated staphylococcus d. Living virus of hepatitis
Wasermann test complement fixation is used for the cliagnosis of [ b ]
a. Small pox b. Syphilis c. Typhoid d. Rabbies
Among the immunizing agents listed below one of them is orally administered. [ c ]
a. Tetanus Toxoid b. Rabies Vaccine c. Poliomyelitis Vaccine
d. Mumps virus vaccine
An example of cytokine is [ a ]
a. Interlenkin b. Insulin c. Gonadotropin d. Thyroxin
How many nucleotides are normally present in tRNA of both prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells? [ c ]
a. 1700 nucleotides b. 3700 nucleotides c. 75 nucleotides d. 120 nucleotides
Vitamin B12 is obtained biotechnology from [ b ]
a. Micrococcus glutamicus b. Propioni Bacterium shermani
c. Eremotheciumm cerevisiae d. None
The gene responsible for onset and development of caner in human are called [ c ]
a. Master gene b. Slave gene c. Oncogene d. control gene
The pH which an enzyme has maximum activity is known as [ b ]
a. Isoelectric pH b. Optimum pH c. Low pH d. High pH
Sustained drug release
The basic rationale of a sustained drug delivery system is to optimize the Biopharmaceutic, Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic properties of a drug in such a way that its utility is maximized through reduction in side effects and cure or control of condition in the shortest possible time by using smallest quantity of drug, administered by the most suitable route.
The novel system of drug delivery offer a means of improving the therapeutic effectiveness of incorporated drugs by providing sustained, controlled delivery and / or targeting the drug to desired site. The goal of any drug delivery system is to provide a therapeutic amount of drug to the proper site in the body to achieve promptly and then maintain the desired drug concentration.
There is a continuously growing interest in the pharmaceutical industry for sustained release oral drug delivery systems. There is also a high interest for design a dosage formulation that allows high drug loading, particularly for actives with high water solubility.
Oral route has been the most popular and successfully used for sustained delivery of drugs because of convenience and ease of administration, greater flexibility in dosage form design and ease of production and low cost of such a system. The sustained release systems for oral use are mostly solid and based on dissolution, diffusion or a combination of both mechanisms in the control of release of drugs.
In this type of dosage forms, a sufficient amount of drug is initially made available to the body to cause a desired pharmacological response. The remaining fraction is released periodically and is required to maintain the maximum initial pharmacological activity for some desirable period of time in excess of time expected from usual single dose.
On exposure to aqueous fluid, hydrophilic matrices take up water, and polymer starts hydrating to form a gel layer. Drug release is controlled by diffusions barriers / or by surface erosion. An initial burst of soluble drug may occur due to surface leaching when a matrix containing a swellable glassy polymer comes in contact with an aqueous medium, there is an abrupt change from a glassy to a rubbery state which is associated with swelling process with time, water infiltrator deep into the case increasing the thickness by the gel layer. Concomitantly the outer layer becomes fully hydrated and states dissolving or eroding. When water reaches the center of the system and the concentration of drug fells below the solubility value, the release rate of drug begins to reduce. At the same time, an increase in thickness of the barrier layer with time increases the diffusion path length, reducing the rate of drug release. Drug release kinetic associated with these gel – layer dynamic, range initially from Fickian to annomalous (Non – Fickian) and subsequently from quasi – Constant ( near Zero order ) to constant. In general, two major factors control the drug release from swelling controlled matrix system. They include
1. The rate of aqueous medium infiltration into the matrix, followed by a relaxation process (hydration, gelatin or swelling)
2. The rate of matrix erosion
As a result of these simultaneous processes, two front are evident, a swelling front, where the polymer get hydrated, and an eroding front. The distance between these two fronts are called diffusion layer thickness. Diffusion layer thickness depends on the selective rate at which the swelling and eroding fronts move in relation to each other. If the polymer gets slowly, solvent can penetrate deep into the glassy matrix the dissolving the drug; there for gel layer thickness and it stability are council in controlling drug release.
Swelling of HPMC matrix tablet was higher for higher a molecular weight. They attributed this to the large hydrodynamic volume occupied by higher molecular weight chain when hydrated. As the polymer chain becomes more hydrated and the gel becomes more dilute, the disentanglement concentration may be reached that is, the critical polymer concentration below which the polymer chain disentangle and detached from gelled matrix.
Potential advantages and disadvantages of sustained release dosage forms 3, 4
i] Patient Compliance:
Lack of compliance is generally observed with long term treatment of chronic disease, as success of drug therapy depends upon the ability of patient to comply with the regimen. Patient compliance is affected by a combination of several factors, like awareness of disease process, patient faith in therapy, his understanding of the need to adhere to a strict treatment schedule. Also the complexity of therapeutic regimens, the cost of therapy and magnitude of local and or systemic side effect of the dosage form. The problem of lack of patient compliance can be resolved to some extent by administering controlled release drug delivery system.
ii] Reduced 'see- saw' fluctuation:
Administration of a drug in a conventional dosage form [except via intravenous infusion at a constant rate] often results in 'see – saw' pattern of drug concentration in the systemic circulation and tissue compartments. The magnitudes of these fluctuations depend on drug kinetics such as the rate of absorption, distribution, elimination and dosing intervals. The 'see-saw' or 'peak and valley' pattern is more striking in case of drugs with biological half lives of less than four hours, since prescribed dosing intervals are rarely less than four hours. A well designed controlled release drug delivery system can significantly reduce the frequency of drug dosing and also maintain a more steady drug concentration in blood circulation and target tissue cells.
iii] Reduced total dose:
Controlled release drug delivery systems have repeatedly been shown to use less amount of total drug to treat a diseased condition. By reducing the total amount of drug, decrease in systemic or local side effects are observed. This would also lead to greater economy.
iv] Improved efficiency in treatment:
Optimal therapy of a disease requires an efficient delivery of active drugs to the tissues, organs that need treatment. Very often doses far in excess to those required in the cells have to be administered in order to achieve the necessary therapeutically effective concentration. This unfortunately may lead to undesirable, toxicological and immunological effects in non-target tissue. A controlled release dosage forms leads to better management of the acute or chronic disease condition.
v] Economy:
(a) In comparison with conventional dosage forms the average cost of treatment over an extended period may be less.
(b) Economy also may results from a decrease in nursing time and hospitalization. Also
1. Reduce blood level oscillation characteristic of multiple dosing of conventional dosage forms.
2.Reduce amount of drug administration
3.Maximizing availability with a minimum dose.
4.Control of drug absorption; high peak level peaks that may be observed after administration of high
availability drug can be reduced.
5.Safety margin of high potency drugs can be increased.
vi} Improved therapy:
a) Sustained blood level: The dosage form provides uniform drug availability / blood levels unlike peak
and valley pattern obtained by intermittent administration.
b) Attenuation of adverse effects: The incidence and intensity of undesirab effects caused by excessively high
peak drug concentration resulting from the administration of conventional dosage forms is reduced.
c) It is seldom that a dose is missed because of non-compliance by the patient.
i) Dose dumping: Dose dumping is a phenomenon where by relatively large quantities of drug in a controlled release formulation is rapidly released, introducing potential toxic quantities of the drug into the systemic circulation. Dose dumping can lead to fatalities in case of potent drug, which have a narrow therapeutic index e.g. Phenobarbital.
ii) Less flexibility in accurate dose adjustment: In conventional dosage forms, dose adjustments are much simpler e.g. tablet can be divided into two fractions. In case of controlled release dosage forms, this appears to be much more complicated. Controlled release property may get lost, if dosage form is fractured.
iii) Poor In Vitro – In Vivo correlation: In controlled release dosage form, the rate of drug release is deliberately reduced to achieve drug release possibly over a large region of gastrointestinal tract. Here the so called ‘Absorption window’ becomes important and may give rise to unsatisfactory drug absorption in vivo despite excellent in-vitro release characteristics.
iv) Patient variation: The time period required for absorption of drug released from the dosage form may vary among individuals. Co-administration of other drugs, presence or absence of food and residence time in gastrointestinal tract is different among patients. This also gives rise to variation in clinical response among the patient.
Factors of consideration in Design of sustained Release Dosage Forms: 5,6,3,7,4,8,9
The therapeutic efficacy of drug under clinical conditions is not simply a function of its intrinsic pharmacological activity but also depends upon the path of the drug molecule from the site of administration to the target site. Different conditions encountered by the drug molecule while traversing the path of distribution may alter either the effectiveness of the drug or affect the amount of the drug reaching the receptor site.
A] Pharmaceutics: This refers to the development/manufacturing of an efficient delivery system in which the drug has
maximum physiological stability and optimum bioavailability.
B] Biopharmaceutics/ pharmacokinetics: This involves the study of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of
the drug, before and after reaching the target site and evaluation of the relationship between delivery
system and therapeutic response.
C] Pharmacodynamics/ Clinical Pharmacology: It is the study of the mechanism of action and clinical efficacy of a drug
administered in dosage form in terms of onset, intensity and duration of pharmacological activity.
Table.1 - Characteristics of Drugs Unsuitable for oral Sustained Release Forms
Characteristics Drugs
Not effectively absorbed in the lower intestine Riboflavin, Ferrous salts
Absorbed and excreted rapidly; short biologic half-lives (< 1hr) Penicillin G, furosemide
Long biologic half-lives (>12 hr) Diazepam, phenytoin
Large doses required (>1g) Sulfonamides
Cumulative action and undesirable side effects; drugs with low therapeutic indices. Phenobarbital, digitoxin
Precise dosage titrated to individual is required Anticoagulants, cardiac glycosides
No clear advantage for sustained release formulation Griseofulvin
Dissociation constant “Pka”: A drug to be absorbed it first must dissolve in the aqueous phase surrounding the site of administration and then partition in the absorbing membrane. Two of the most important Physicochemical properties of a drug that influence its absorptive behavior are its aqueous solubility and if it is a weak acid or base its Pka. These properties pay an influential role in the performance of controlled release systems.
Partition Coefficient: The partition coefficient is another important drug property, which influences the design of oral
controlled delivery by two ways; it is an important property that governs the permeation of drug
particles through biological membrane. The diffusion of drug molecules across rate controlling
membrane or through the matrix systems essentially relies on partition coefficient.
Drug stability: The stability of the drugs at the site of its release and exposure bio-milieu is one more drug property that
can influence the design of oral controlled drug delivery. Drugs that are unstable in gastric pH can be
developed as slow release dosage form and drug release can be delayed till the dosage form reaches the
intestine. Drugs that undergo gut-wall metabolism and show instability in small intestine are not suitable
for controlled drug delivery systems.
Absorption: The rate, extent and uniformity of absorption of a drug are important factors when considering it’s formulation
into a controlled – release system. Since the rate limiting step in drug delivery from a controlled – release
system is its release from a dosage form, rater than absorption, a rapid rate of absorption of drug relative to
its release is essential if the ‘system is to be successful.
Distribution: The distribution of a drug into vascular and extra vascular spaces in the body is an important factor in its
overall elimination kinetics. Two parameters that are used to describe the distribution characteristics of a
drug are its apparent volume of distribution and the ratio of drug concentration in the tissue to that in plasma
at the steady state called T/P ratio. The magnitude of the apparent volume of distribution can be used as a
guide for additional studies and as a predictor for a drug dosing regimen and hence the need to employ a
controlled – system.
Metabolism: Drugs that are significantly metabolized before absorption either in the lumen or tissue of the intestine can
show decreased bioavailability from slower – releasing dosage forms. Formulation of these enzymatically
susceptible compounds as Prodrug is another viable solution.
Side Effects and Safety considerations: The side effects of some drugs are mainly developed due to the fluctuation in the
plasma concentrations. The incidences of side effects can be minimized by controlling the concentration
within therapeutic range at any given time.
Disease State : Even, in some cases are considered before the designing of an oral controlled delivery. This can be
explained by the following classical examples. Aspirin is a drug of choice for rheumatic arthritis, and it is not
a suitable candidate for sustained release dosage form. Still an aspirin sustained release dosage from could
be advantageous to maintain therapeutic concentrations, particularly through out the night, thus alleviating
morning stiffness.
Criteria to be met by drug proposed to be formulated in sustained release dosage forms. 10,11,2,3,12
a)Desirable half-life:
The half life of a drug is an index of its residence time in the body. If the drug has a short half life (less than 2 hours), the dosage form may contain a prohibitively large quantity of the drug. On the other hand, drug with elimination half life of eight hours or more are sufficiently sustained in the body, when administered in conventional dosage from, and controlled release drug delivery system is generally not necessary in such cases. Ideally, the drug should have half-life of three to four hours.
b) High therapeutic index:
Drugs with low therapeutic index are unsuitable for incorporation in controlled release formulations. If the system fails in the body, dose dumping may occur, leading to fatalities eg. Digitoxin.
c) Small dose:
If the dose of a drug in the conventional dosage form is high, its suitability as a candidate for controlled release is seriously undetermined. This is chiefly because the size of a unit dose controlled release formulation would become too big, to administer without difficulty.
d) Desirable absorption and solubility characteristics:
Absorption of poorly water soluble drug is often dissolution rate limited. Incorporating such compounds into controlled release formulations is therefore unrealistic and may reduce overall absorption efficiency.
e) Desirable absorption window:
Certain drugs when administered orally are absorbed only from a specific part of gastrointestinal tract. This part is referred to as the ‘absorption window’. Drugs exhibiting an absorption window like fluorouracil, thiazide diuretics, if formulated as controlled release dosage form are unsuitable.
f) First pass clearance:
As discussed earlier in disadvantages of controlled delivery system, delivery of the drug to the body in desired concentrations is seriously hampered in case of drugs undergoing extensive hepatic first pass metabolism, when administered in controlled release forms.
1. Write about food industry's Quality criteria and Control Measures
2. Discuss microorganism's importance in Food industries
3. Write about any 6 microbes which are responsible for food spoilage and food borne infections.
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Any 2. Each carries 3 marks
4. Single Cell Protein
5. Discuss various natural & artificial sweetener and their importance.
6. Neutraceuticals
Manorama Movie Review
Banner: ZEE Motion Pictures
Cast: Charmee, Nishan, Sridhar Rao, Dhanush, Lahari, Pinky, Srivastav, Ali, MS, Narsing Yadav etc
Music: Koti
Cinematography: Jagan
Art: Ashok
Editing: Marthand K Venkatesh
Story-Dialogues: Padmasri
Director: V Eswar Reddy
Producer: Zee group
Released On: 27th March 2009
Akasamantha Movie Review
Cast: Prakash Raj, Aishwarya, Trisha, Ganesh, Talaivasal Vijay, Venkat Raman, Jagapathi Babu etc
Lyrics: Veturi, Ananth Sri Ram
Music: Vidya Sagar
Cinematography: Preetha
Art: Kadhir
Dialogues: Sasank Vennelakanti
Producer: Dil Raju
Story-Screenplay-Director: Radha Mohan
Released On: 27th March 2009
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Love Story of Mahatma Gandhi

This is the article printed in Telugu Daily ANDHRA BHOOMI on 29-06-2008. Its all about Gandhi's love story written by M.V.R Sastri with the reference of writings by Gandhi's Grandson. This post is not to hurt any ones feelings. This post is not against to Gandhi. Click on the Link To get information . Then u wiil get information in image format. save the image on ur Computer and maximise it to read.
Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. 2009 Jr. Engineer, Technical helper recruitment
Sontha Ooru Movie Review
Film: Sontha Ooru
Banner: Sravya Productions
Cast: Raja, Theertha, L B Sriram, Swathi, Tanikella, M S, Jeeva, Vijaychander, Jayaprakash Reddy and others
Music: Saketh Sairam
Cinematography: Sabu James
Dialogues: Gandham Nagaraju
Editing: Sri Guha
Director: P Sunil Kumar Reddy
Producers: Y Ravindra Babu, Kishori Basireddy
Release date: 21/03/2009
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd requires Operation/Maintenance Technicians, Lab Analysts etc.
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Reimbursement of 2nd class rail fare by the shortest route to examination centre for outstation SC/ST /PWD candidates appearing for written test, shall be made, provided the distance travelled is not less than 30 kms (candidates opting for examination centre other than the centre nearest from mailing address will not be paid T.A.). SCALE OF PAY & ALLOWANCES: Scale of Pay Rs.4225/- to Rs.10,400/- Starting emoluments inclusive of Basic, VDA, HRA, Transport Reimbursement will be Rs.9,300/- per month (approx.). Additionally, employees are also entitled to other benefits such as Bonus/Production Incentive/LFA/LTC, Housing Loan, Vehicle Loan, Medical Facility, Gratuity, Superannuation Benefit, Children Education Allowance, Subsidized Breakfast/Lunch facility etc., as per Corporation’s Policy. The wage revision is due w.e.f 01-07-2007 HOW TO APPLY : Apply online only on www.hindustanpetroleum.com. Steps For Applying : Step I : Login to www.hindustanpetroleum.com and click on Carrers Step II : Read the instructions on the website carefully Step III : General and OBC candidates are required to send a Crossed Demand Draft for Rs.250/- as Application Fee drawn on ‘HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED” payable at Visakhapatnam. Candidates must write their name, Position applied for and application number on the reverse of the Demand Draft. Money Order / Indian Postal Order or any other mode of payment will not be accepted. Applications of General and OBC category candidates without Crossed Demand Draft will not be considered. Step IV : Fill in the on-line application form with all the relevant details. Step V :Click SUBMIT. Take a print of the application form. Affix recent passport size photograph and sign the form in the space provided for the same with black ink pen/black ball point pen only. Step VI : Attach the Crossed Demand Draft along with the prescribed application form and send the same by Ordinary Post to the Senior Manager – HR, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Visakh Refinery, P.B.No.15, Malkapuram, Visakhapatnam –530011 so as to reach on or before 20.04.2009. SC/ST/PWD candidates should send only the application form as Demand Draft is not applicable to them.
The Envelope should be superscribed with Name of the Post applied for alongwith Post code no. in bold letters. Candidates should take special care, NOT to staple the Demand Draft. They should use U-pins or steel Pins for fastening all documents / demand drafts. (Please retain a copy of the application form with unique application number and also a copy of the demand draft for future reference). Only original application form (No Photocopy) shall be accepted. The candidates whose application form alongwith Demand Draft is received after due date shall not be considered and the Demand Draft will be duly returned. Application form received with a single Demand Draft containing the application fees of two or more candidates or photocopies of Demand Drafts attached with the application form will not be considered. Step VII : Various intimations, schedules / dates can be accessed through HPCL Website. Please mention correct and active e-mail I.D. for various communications.
Admit Card for Written Test along with specimen questions shall be sent by post to the candidate's mailing address. An Admit Card which is sent to the candidate has to be duly signed by the candidate and photograph affixed, and has to be produced at the time of written test. HPCL will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail / admit card sent, due to invalid / wrong e-mail I.D. / wrong postal address / postal delays / loss in transit etc. General Instructions :
For Position , vacancies, Qualifications Click Here
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. requires 197 Executive Trainees and Non-Executives
No. | Description | Date |
1 | Last date for receipt of filled in application forms | 14/04/09 |
2 | Names of short listed candidate called for written examination will be uploaded in our website | 05/05/09 |
3 | Written Examination (tentatively) | 10/5/09 |
4 | Declaration of written Examination results | 27/5/09 |
5 | GD/Interview | 10th, 11th, 12th & 13th June’2009 |
6 | Declaration of final results | 18/06/09 |
7 | Medical Examination | 17/07/09 |
8 | Commencement of course | 27/07/09 |
( A ) Instructions for Executive Trainees ( Post Code- 01 )
Training :
Selected candidates will be sent for one year ‘Post Graduate Diploma Course’ in “Metro Technology and Management” at IIT/Delhi. During the above course, the trainees will be paid a stipend of Rs.20000/- p.m. Accommodation facility for self only will be arranged by DMRC during the period of the course at IIT/Delhi.
Induction :
On successful completion of the course, the trainees will be inducted as Assistant Manager in DMRC in IDA pay scale Rs.11000-350-15200/- (likely to be revised based on second Pay Committee’s report for IDA pay scales). Those opting for other Metros will be absorbed as Assistant Manager in prevailing pay scales. The Trainees who secure more than 60% marks during the PG Diploma Course will be granted two advance increments in Assistant Manager’s grade, while those who secure less than 60% marks will be granted only one advance increment at the time of induction. Such of candidates who do not complete the course or do not secure the minimum pass marks in the PG Diploma course at IIT/Delhi will not be inducted in DMRC/ other Metros. They will have to pay a bond amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs to DMRC/ other Metros towards training cost. Those candidates who successfully complete the course but do not join DMRC/ other Metros, their candidature will lapse and they will also have to pay an amount of Rs.5 Lakhs to DMRC as bond amount.
The inter-se seniority of the Executive Trainees in the concerned discipline at Assistant Manager level shall be decided based on the overall performance at the Post Graduate Diploma Course at IIT/Delhi. Their seniority upon absorption will count retrospectively from the date of start of the course at IIT/Delhi.
After induction as Assistant Manager, they will be on probation for a period of two years. After successful completion of probation they will be confirmed.
Bond & Notice Period:
Before joining the course, they will have to execute a bond of Rs. 5 Lakh to serve DMRC/ other Metros for a period of five year (This is inclusive of the PG Diploma course period of one year). They will also have to give a notice period of three months if they want to leave DMRC/ other Metros at any point of time during bond periodNo extension for joining will be permitted to the selected candidate, as the course is to commence at IIT/Delhi on 27/07/2009 sharp. The choice for DMRC or other Metros shall be obtained at the time of Interview.
Eligible and willing candidates fulfilling the above mentioned eligibility criteria for Executive trainees (including those appearing at the final semester exam in the Summer of 2009) may send their duly filled in application form, along with Bank draft latest by 14/4/09. However, the candidature of such candidates whose final result is not declared by the date of Interview shall be provisional. They may be allowed to appear at GD/Interview provisionally at their request subject to their final result/ Mark sheet, fulfilling the %age requirement, is produced by 10th July 2009, failing which their provisional candidature shall stand cancelled & they will have no claim for admission to the Course. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the GD/ Interview for Executive Trainees .
B) Instructions for Customer Relations Assistant ( Post Code- 02 )
Qualification: - As prescribed above. The candidates who possess the minimum eligible qualification at the time of applying for the posts may only apply (Attach the copy of the same with the application). Candidates must possess the proof of passing the required qualification, with at least 50% marks , by the stipulated date i.e 14/04/2009 . At the time of Psycho Test / Interview, they would be required to produce the same failing which they will not be allowed to appear in Psycho Test / Interview.
Job Profile:
The job profile of Customer Relations Assistant (CRA) entails interaction with the commuters at Customer Care Centres (CCC) and catering to their needs & problems, looking after the affairs of Metro Stations including operation control centres , in shift duty including night shift. Their career progression will be towards Station Controller/Train Operator. The job requires highest standard of medical fitness, including naked vision of 6/6, the details of which are also available at DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com. So, the candidates meeting the required medical standard may only apply. A certificate from the registered medical practioner may be submitted along with application as per enclosed proforma (ANNEXURE-A).
Surety Bond:.
The Selected candidates for posts of Customer Relations Assistant will have to execute a surety bond of Rs. 40,000/- & Cost of training (apprx.Rs.15,000/-) to serve the corporation for a minimum period of three years and also a three months prior notice, will be required before seeking resignation from the corporation.
Training & Probation: The selected candidates for CRA , on appointment will be on Probation for a period of two years (including period of training), where they will undergo intensive training for prescribed duration. The Corporation has the right to enhance or reduce the training period at its discretion for any or all the trainees. During the probation period the candidates shall be required to pass various examinations.
The service of the candidate during probation period can be terminated by the corporation if the performance of candidate is found to be unsatisfactory, in accordance with the terms & conditions of offer of appointment.
Pay & Emoluments: The pay & emoluments shall be as per pay scales under the IDA (Industrial DA) pattern, plus DP, Dearness Allowance as applicable from time to time and other benefits which include CCA, HRA, Medical benefit, EPF, Gratuity, and Insurance etc. as per extant rules of the Corporation.
The candidates to be called for Psycho Test/Personal Interview and Medical examination, for CRA at Delhi shall be paid to & fro sleeper class Railway fare for journey by the shortest route between Railway Station nearest to hometown & Delhi. However, no separate reimbursement for Interview will be made. No reimbursement shall be made to the candidates appearing for the written examination.
Schedule of Examination : For CRA , the schedule of Written Test etc. will be notified on Website subsequently .
( C ) Common Instructions for Executive Trainees & CRA i.e. Post Code ( 01 ) & ( 02 ) :
Selection process:
For the post of Executive Trainees , the selection methodology will comprise four stage process – Written Test (two papers), Group Discussion / Personal Interview followed by Medical examination at par with Executive (Technical).
For the post of Customer Relations Assistant (CRA), the selection methodology will comprise four-stage process – Written Test (two papers), Psycho Test/Personal Interview followed by Medical examination in Aye-one category.
The selection process would judge different facets of knowledge, skills, comprehension, aptitude and physical fitness. Candidates will have to pass through each stage successfully (including Medical examination), before being adjudged as suitable for selection. Candidates, who fail in the prescribed medical test, will not be given any alternative employment and decision of the Corporation is final on this issue. Dates of written examination, Result of written examination and recruitment related all information shall be available only on Web site: http://www.delhimetrorail.com and candidates should remain in constant touch with it.
Written Test: For post codes 01 & 02 , the written test will consist of two papers (Paper-I and Paper-II, to be held on the same day in the same centre). Paper-I will consist of multiple-choice objective type questions, with provision of negative marking for wrong answers, on General Awareness, English, Logical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and/or knowledge of the discipline/trade. The Paper-I shall be of 1.5 hours duration.
Paper-II will consist of subjective type questions on Paragraph Writing, Comprehension, Essay and questions on Science & Technology matter, in English Medium to judge the candidate’s comprehension skills & test of English language. The Paper-II shall be of 1.5 hours duration.
Candidates who qualify in Paper-I and rank high on the merit list within the zone of consideration, as decided by the DMRC, will only be evaluated for Paper-II. Successful candidates based on the performance in Written Test (Both Paper-I & Paper-II put together) shall be called for Group Discussion/Interview (For Post Code- 01), and Psycho Test/Personal Interview ( for Post Code- 02 ), at Delhi.
Character & Antecedents: The success in the examination does not confer any right to appointment unless the corporation is satisfied after such an inquiry, as may be considered necessary, that the candidate having regard to his/her character and antecedents is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service.
Concessions & Relaxations:
Upper age relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates (of Central List), for reserved posts.
Upper age relaxations by 5 years for candidates belonging to Jammu & Kashmir who had ordinarily beendomiciled in that state between 01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989.
Upper age for Ex-servicemen, for CRA post will be length of service + 3 years, subject to a maximum age of 40 years. The Ex-servicemen are those who are covered in the definition, as per extant rules of Ministry of Defence/Govt of India.
Existing DMRC employees who have completed at least 3 years continuous service in DMRC as on 1.1.2009, will be given age relaxation to the extent of 3 years as on the date of reckoning of age limit for the posts of CRA. There is no age relaxation for Departmental candidate for Executive Trainees (Post code-01).
The validity of the Selection Panel is for two years from the date of its operation for CRA post.
The selection of candidate by DMRC does not confer any right to the candidate for appointment.
The written test will be held at Delhi. However, DMRC reserves the right to allot any test center outside Delhi without assigning any reason.
Candidates employed in Govt. Dept./ PSU/ Autonomous Body must produce NOC from the present employer on the date of interview.
Eligible and interested candidates (including Ex-Serviceman and J & K domicile) can download the application form through DMRC;s website and apply as per the given application Format by enclosing a non-refundable crossed Demand Draft for Rs.300/- for General & OBC candidates and for Rs.50/- for SC & ST candidates (for processing cost only) drawn only on State Bank of India in favour of DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED, payable at Service Branch, New Delhi (Code No-7687) indicating on the reverse of the DD, their name & address, telephone no. if any, latest by 14/04/2009 through ordinary post addressed to “DMRC Ltd., Post Bag No- 9”, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. The filled up application should be sent in the envelope super scribing on it prominently – “Post Code, Name of Post & Discipline”. Demand Drafts payable at locations other than Delhi / New Delhi will not be accepted. MO/PO or any other mode of payment is not acceptable. Candidates are advised to check the details of Demand Draft carefully, before enclosing it with the application Form.
Attach attested copies of Community/Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC), for seeking age relaxation etc. with the application.
Attach proof of passing the eligible qualification, with required percentage of marks with the application form.
Candidates should retain a photocopy of their demand draft and application form for future reference. They should also keep sufficient numbers of same Photograph in reserve for future use, which they are using in the application form.
Incomplete applications or applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected.
Request for change of mailing address will not be entertained under any circumstances.
Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Delhi.
DMRC reserves the right to fix the minimum standard/qualifying marks for each component of selection for all posts.
DMRC shall not be responsible for any postal delay/ loss in transit. No request in this regard will be entertained.
Candidates must remain in constant touch with DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com for information regarding dates of written test, result of written test, schedule of GD/ Interview / Psycho Test/standards of Vision for Medical test etc. Eligible candidates can also download their duplicate admit cards for written test online through DMRC’s website http:/www.delhimetrorail.com.
DMRC is not responsible for any printing error that might have inadvertently crept in.
Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
N.B.: Candidates should refer to advertisement given in the Employment News or on DMRC’s website only for the purpose of applying for the jobs. DMRC has not authorized any other agency/vendor to publish the instant Ad. and application form. In case of any discrepancy between various editions of Employment News, English Edition will prevail.
Please note carefully:
Please read all the instructions given in this Recruitment Notification very carefully .
Please use downloaded ( from DMRC’s Website ) Application forms , as DMRC has not authorized any other Agency to sell application forms , and such forms may not be authentic . Deficient form may result in cancellation of candidature during various stages of scrutiny process.
Apart from other details, the Undertaking/Declaration ,as prescribed in the Application Form , in your own handwriting, Signature , and thumb Impressions are a must for your eligibility . So, you must comply with these , before sending the application.


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