1. You are given two candles of equal size, which can burn 1 hour each. You have to measure 90 minutes with these candles. (There is no scale or clock). Also u r given a lighter.
Ans: 1. First light up the two ends of the 1st candle. When it will burn out light up one end of the second candle. (30+60=90)
2. Try the similar problem to measure 45 minutes.
Ans: First light-up the two ends of the 1st candle and one end of the 2nd candle. When the 1st candle will burn out ,then light up the both ends of the 2nd candle(15+30=45)
3. You r given a thermometer. What can u do by this without measuring the temperature?
Ans: if u put thermometer into a tree it won’t grow anymore, will just die off
4. How it is possible to place four points that are equidistance from each other?ORU r a landscape designer and your boss asked u to design a landscape suchthat you should place 4 trees equidistance from each other. (Distance from each tree to the other must be same)
Ans: Only 3 points can be equidistant from each other. But if u place points in the shape of a pyramid then its possible
5. You are given a cake; one of its corner is broken. How will u cut the rest intoTwo equal parts?Ans: Slice the cake
6. How will you recognize the magnet & magnetic material & non-magnetic material?
Ans: Drag one piece of material over another. There is no attractive force in the middle portion of the magnet. ORGet a piece of thread and tie up with the one bar and check for poles. If it iron barthen it moves freely and if it is magnetic bar then it fix in one direction according to poles.
7. If one tyre of a car suddenly gets stolen.... and after sometime u find the tyre without the screws how will u make ur journey complete?
Ans: Open 3 screws, 1 from each tyre and fix the tyre.
8. How can u measure a room height using a thermometer?
Ans: temp varies with height. but its dependent on various other factors like humidity, wind etc.
9. What is the height of room if after entering the room with a watch ur head strikes a hanging bulb?
Ans: Oscillate the hanging bulb. Calculate the time period for one complete oscillation by Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) of the handing bulb. Put it in the formula T=2 * 3.14 * (L/G)^1/2 L will be the length of the hanging thread.Add the L with ur height to get the height of the room.ORAns: Drop it from the room and find the time at which it strikes the floor. Usingphysics formula s = (at^2)/2 (IM NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE)
10. Color of bear.... if it falls from 1m height in 1s.
Ans: We get 'g' perfect 10 which is only in poles...hence polar bear...color White
11. How will you measure height of building when you are at the top of the building?And if you have stone with you.
Ans: Drop the stone and find the time taken for the stone to reach the ground. find height using the formula s = a + gt ( s = height, a= initial velocity=0, g=9.8m/s, t = time taken)
12. How wud u catch and receive a ball in same direction? (Dropping is from northAnd receiving from bottom not accepted, as it is 2 directions)
Ans: ?
13. 25 statements given. Some tell truth, some false and some alternators. Find outthe true statements.
Ans: ?
14. Can u make 120 with 5 zeros?
Ans: Factorial (factorial (0)+factorial (0)+factorial (0)+factorial (0)+factorial (0)) = 120
15.There are three people A, B, C. Liars are of same type and Truth speaking peopleare of same type. Find out who is speaking truth and who is speaking false from the following statements:
a) A says: B is a liar.
b) B says: A and C are of same type.
Ans: lets assume A is speaking truth. It means B is a liar then it means A and C arenot of same type.
16.5 swimmers A, B, C, E, F and many conditions of their positions like there areTwo b/w A & F, B doesn't win etc the question was to find who was b/w like E & D?
Ans: ?
17. in a race u drove 1st lap with 40kmph and in the second lap at what speed u must drive so that ur average speed must be 80kmph.
Ans: its impossible! if u drove the first lap in 40 kmph, its impossible that the average speed of both the laps is 80kmph.for eg. consider one lap distance = 80km.time req. to cover 1 lap = 80km/40kmph = 2 hrs.if the avg. speed is 80kmph, then the total time would have taken = 160kms/80kmph = 2 hrs.same is the case with any other distance u consider. so the avg to be 80kmph is impossible
18. You have to draw 3 concentric circles with a line passing thru their centerwithout lifting hand.
Ans: Start the line complete one circle move inside circles along the line and thendraw second circle. Like wise rest.
19. A rectangular paper is there. At a corner a rectangular size paper is taken fromit. Now you have to cut the remaining paper into two equal halves.
Ans: try it on the paper. You must fold the part that has complete paper and selectHalf of it and then fold the part that cut and selects half of it and then cut along the folding. (I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS ONE!!)
20. Value of (x-a)(x-b)………..(x-z)Ans: 0 as there’s X-X term21. There are 9 coins. 8 are of 1 gm and 1 is of 2 grams. How will you find out theheavier coin in minimum number of weighing and how many weighing it will need?
Ans: 2 weighing ( Divide the number of coins into 3 parts at each weighing)
(TIPS) 10 Days Guide to Crack Infosysis by: Rajiv
I am a fresher who just finsiehd my final year B.Tech Information Technology.Being fully prepared for the selection test for Infy onJune 19th, and with God's grace I was able to get an appointmentOrder form Infosys.I would like to give back to the group the 10 dayschedule that i followed, which may be of use in CRACKING the Infytest.If 10 days arent there for you, then you coudl leve out thedays that i have used for Ravi Narula and the quantitaive Aptitude.That would bring down the number of days to 7 or 8. You need tomanage your time very effeciently. Spend your itme in studying, andprayers. Prayers do help a lot .Usually when you register with Infosys, you woul get a mail atleast10 to 12 days before the written test either by email, or byPost.Let us keep this as 10 days.Before we start off, three rulesmust be kep in mind.
FIRST RULE : While job hunting , check your mail on a daily basis,so that you dont get delayed info regarding test or other suchdetails . Even the appointment order comes by email.
SECOND RULE : Once you do receive the intimating or hall ticket,check for the following books.Not all chapters need to be followedin each book and i have given the need ones in the daily schedule .
(1) Puzzles to Puzzle you - Shakuntala Devi (very Important)
(2) More Puzzles - Shakuntala Devi (very Important)
(3) Puzzles and Teasers - George Sammers (very very Important)
(4) Brain Teasers - Ravi Narula (Optional, but few old sums are here)
(5) Quantitative Aptitude - R.S Agarwal ( Important)
(6) Verbal Reasoning - R.S Agarwal (very very Important)
(7) Previous Papers - Chetana group, Mail me for more (Important)
THIRD RULE : YOU must forget all your previosu failures and startafresh with firm determination and enthusiasm. Once you do this ,solving puzzles become easy . I solved 9 out of 10 puzzles.Concentrate on the bigger puzzles first . This may be the way themarks are distributed:8 marks and 6 marks - George Sammers and Verbal Reasoning(R.S Agarwal)4 marks and 5 marks and 3 makrs - Shakuntala Devi books andRavi Narula and Quantitative Aptitude(R.S Agarwal)Some questions from Previous PapersNow lets start of with the schedule :
DAY 1 :
Start off with Puzzles to Puzzle you - Shakuntala Devi andfinish as mush as possible.Decide to only finish the book and callthe day off. Note down the sums which you are not able to solve orneed the answers to solve and keep this list safely. After you gothrough the whole book, go back to thses questions and just checkout the way they are solced. Sometimes they will not be explained.In this case you have no choice but to leave them. But some sumswill have some funny explanations.Just rememeber the way or method.
DAY 2 :
Now take a break off from Shakuntala Devi and then startVerbal Reasoning - R.S Agarwal . In this you just have to do thePuzzle Test Chapter fully , and have a look at the Number, Rankingand Sequence Test chapter. I contains fully George Sammers typequestion on easier scale but you woudl be able to uderstand thebasic logic of solving George Sammers type questions.Finish off thewhole book during the second day.There is just one or two methods tosolve these sort of questions and the explanation is very clear .Once you get the method , you can solve al the puzzles in this, butjust in case do go through all the puzzles. there have been puzzlesin previous papers from here.Once ou get the method well, there willnot be any revision necessary in this book . But you will have toconcentrate on the method.
DAY 3 :
Now back to More Puzzles - Shakuntala Dei and follow thesame procedure you followed for the first book.
DAY 4 and DAY 5:
Get your George Sammers book and start off solvingthe puzzles. The first half is kind of easy, btu dont be worried ifyour not able to solve much. Even one or two is enough . The Rest ,you just have to use the scheme and the solutions and thenunderstand the puzzle thoroughly. Many papers have similar sums withthe names changed. Try to finish the first half in a day . And startoff the second half . The second half is relatively tougher, and itwill be very confusing. Just try to solve some. The second half ,even the solutions will confuse you more. So just solve as many asyou can. The rest you can make use of the soultions . If they aretoo complex, Leave them aside. Note down all sums you could notsolve or could solve only using the solutions and list them . Whenyou are through the whole book, just revise all the sums, givingpreference to the ones that you have listed . It si okay even if yousit with George Sammers for three days. But you must fully be ableto undertsand all the question in the First part. The second part ,atleast maybe few sums are optional.
DAY 6 :
Take your quantitative Aptitude book by R.S Agarwal and workout the following chapters fully. Note down tough sums and theirsolutions and come back to solve thme and revise them .The chapters to be done are :(1) Time and Distance (very important)(2) Time and Work(3) Pipes and Cisterns(4) Trains(5) Boats
DAY 7 :
Revise Shakuntala Devi book-1 and revise it well. Notnecessary to wokr out the porblems. Just check if your method iscorrect . The sums you have listed, give them extra importance. Bythe end of this day , you must Shakuntala Devi book-1(Puzzles toPuzzle you ) on your finger tips.
DAY 8 :
Revise the book-2 of Shakuntala Devi , just how you revisedthe first book.End of this day you shoudl ahve both Shakuntala devibooks at your finger tips.
DAY 9 :
Revise George Sammers, such that you can easily solve thewhole first part . The second part , leave ii , if it is tough.
DAY 10 :
Check out Ravi Narula. The sums are very tough . It will beenough if you just c the solutions and understand them . Some sumsare asked in some papers.( There is one questin abt some ANYMANreaching ANYWHERE. His tyre gets punctured and he reaches late.Ifhis tyre got punctured earlier / later then he would have reachedearlier/later. How far did he travel..soemthing like that).that isform this book . Many papers have this sum repeated. But the namesare changed. Ravi Narula is just optional, but I suggest that you gothrough all sums and their solution atleast once.Dont take too muchtime on Ravi Narula. Just three or four hours would be sufficient.
Interview is Casual.If you have done excellently well inthe test , your interview process is very simple and a walkthroughif you have good communication skills ( Speak clearly, frankly).My Interview Panle consisted of one Madame and one Sir. They askedme abt Team Wokr, Abt my College, Abt my family, My hobbies, Myinterests, Certain changes i would like to bring out in the currentsocio-economic development (I said to remove unemployment).I was ntoasked any puzzles in my interview. But I do have a list of puzzlesthat coudl be possibly asked. I would post them too on this forum .Interview was very friendly .You are free to ask the panel your performance and expectation ofyour order. Be positive. Thats a very very big Point in your HRinterview.My friend had a stress interview. Be cool, Dont react.Pls do mail me in case you have any doubts. Also mail me if thispost has helped you become an Infosion. I would be very happy ifthis post has helped few fellow Infosions out there .pls do lemme know if you do get selected. You can also add me inyour messenger. I will be online everyday, and u can send meofflines to clarify certain doubts .
I am from Rajalakshmi Engg College , doing final year EEE, totally 238 attended the selection process and out of that 63 cleared the apps and finally 46 were selected, I am lucky to become one among them.
No prior preparation is required for Infosys apps.
There are two sections, Logical and Verbal.
Logical is easy and verbal is little bit tough, time will not be enough.
Infosys has sectional cut-off. http://www.TowardsJob.com
Individually u have to get 50% in each paper and in aggregate u have to get 65%-75%.
Infosys has upper cut-off, so be careful.
My % is 68.82 and I have an arrear, so average students don’t worry. The apps is:
Odd man out(Diagrams)-5problems
Data sufficiency problems-5problems
2 puzzles
Bar Graph-5questions
Total:30questions in 40min
2 reading comprehension
fillup with correct words
choose the correct sentence(error correction)
fillup with suitable phrase
Total:40questions in 30min
My HR Experience:
My HR was a lady, about 40 years, it was a rejection panel(I came to know later). It was stress interview for me and it lasted for 25min.
I entered with a smile. I was not asked ‘about me’. Here goes my interview,
HR:U r Manoranjan right!!!
ME: Absolutely right mam!!!
HR: Have ur seat.
ME: Thank u very much mam.
HR: Y do u want to shift 4m EEE to IT.
ME: Purely because of passion mam.
HR: Passion??? Towards wat???
ME: Passion towards IT mam, because I have learned fundamentals of c and c++ and a little bit of Java in my curriculum mam, so I want to implement my theories into practicals in Infosys.
HR: Y Infosys specifically and not other company?
ME: I was strong with the company profile, so I could escape by telling that.
HR: Y should I hire u???
ME: If u don’t hire me, within the next 5 yrs u will see a company rising against Infosys, and when u analysis the reason 4 it, u will see Manoranjan(me) sitting in the chairman seat mam, so it’s the right time to hire me and I m waiting 4 this opportunity for the last 3 yrs.(The HR laughed)
HR: What will u do if u r rejected?
ME: I will be very disappointed by heart mam but I will not leave hope and try for the next company.
HR: Do u play chess?? (I mentioned in my resume)
ME: Yes mam, I have the certificates of my district level participation.
HR: So solve this puzzle. In a 7*7 chess board how many maximum queen u can place with out intersection.
ME:I blinked 4 a minute and I took the paper and drew the pictorial representation and I explained it. The answer is 6. (She said Good)
HR: u r given five 5’s, I want 23 as the answer.
ME: I tried squaring, taking roots, but nothing worked out, finally I did it.
The answer is 5*5-(5+5)/5
HR: What new things u have learned recently?(seeing my resume, I had put I m interested in learning new things).
ME: I told I am learning Java from my friend and JDBC concepts. I am also planning to do a course in NIIT so that I would be fully equipped to Infosys environment.
HR: What do u do in Leo club?(4m my resume) (Actually I was not a member of Leo club, but to fill my profile I had included this)
ME: I told I have donated my eyes, I donated blood 4 times, and I dedicated my body to Madras Medical College , and I talked abt group work and many more lies as I told earlier.
HR: Give example for ur adaptability??(all 4m my resume)
ME: I told. (Lie again) But I was confident in my Lie, as though I did it really.
HR: Wats ur fav subject???
ME: Transmission and Distribution and Fundamentals of C and C++ mam.
HR: But I am not goin to ask that, Tell abt DSP.
ME: Mam DSP means Digital Signal Processing and it is used in many appliances, its latest version is DSP320c54x (who knows). And I told all wrong thing abt DSP, but she didn’t find out.
HR: Tell me difference between DSP and Microprocessor?
ME: I blabbered something, but with confidence.
HR: Ok Manoranjan, u can leave now.
ME: Thank u very much mam.
Finally, the result was announced two hours later, I am lucky to be selected. Only my confidence had helped me to get into Infosys.
‘Be a Lion, Be a King…’ Don’t worry abt ur low aggregate. If u r confidence u r placed. A Lion doesn’t wait 4 its prey, It Takes It..
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