Animal Cell Science & Technology Questions
Write any 3 questions
1. Describe in detail about the organization of animal cell with structural representation. Add a note on equipment and materials for animal cell culture.
2. Define pure cell line culture. Give its classification. Discuss in detail about primary& established cell cultures.
3. Define media. Discuss in detail about simple growth medium with composition & significance of each component.
4. Define Viability & Cytotoxicity. Discuss in detail about various types for measuring Viability & Cytotoxicity with examples & applications.
5. Give the basic techniques of mammalian cell culture in vitro and add a note on their separation and maintenance.
1. Describe in detail about the organization of animal cell with structural representation. Add a note on equipment and materials for animal cell culture.
2. Define pure cell line culture. Give its classification. Discuss in detail about primary& established cell cultures.
3. Define media. Discuss in detail about simple growth medium with composition & significance of each component.
4. Define Viability & Cytotoxicity. Discuss in detail about various types for measuring Viability & Cytotoxicity with examples & applications.
5. Give the basic techniques of mammalian cell culture in vitro and add a note on their separation and maintenance.
Food Science & Technology Questions
Each Question carries 7 marks
Out of 3 we may get any 2. so read 3 questions
1. How Biotechnology is related to modern Food Industries in various aspects?
2. Explain
a)Bioprocessing of meat,fish & dairy products
b) What are the preservative methods that has to be taken for above products?
3.Write about Food Industry's "Quality Control & Quality Assurance"
Each Question carries 3 marks
Out of 3 we may get any 2. So read 3 questions
1. Explain a)Cryopresevation
b)Irradiated foods
2. What are the enzymes & chemicals used in food Proccessing i.e., in Food Preservation?
3. Write any 2 Fermented food Products.
Out of 3 we may get any 2. so read 3 questions
1. How Biotechnology is related to modern Food Industries in various aspects?
2. Explain
a)Bioprocessing of meat,fish & dairy products
b) What are the preservative methods that has to be taken for above products?
3.Write about Food Industry's "Quality Control & Quality Assurance"
Each Question carries 3 marks
Out of 3 we may get any 2. So read 3 questions
1. Explain a)Cryopresevation
b)Irradiated foods
2. What are the enzymes & chemicals used in food Proccessing i.e., in Food Preservation?
3. Write any 2 Fermented food Products.
BSNL-Recruitment of Junior Telecom Officers(Telecom.), Junior Telecom Officers(Civil) and Junior Telecom Officers(Electrical)
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. [BSNL] will recruit about 3945 [subject to variation depending on the availability of vacancies] Junior Telecom Officers through an open competitive examination to be held on 21.06.2009 on All India basis, as per the details given below:-
SC: 459
ST: 239
OBC: 989
OC: 1858
TOTAL: 3545
3% of the total vacancy (1.5% for Locomotive and 1.5% for Hearing Impairment) will be reserved for PH quota.
Reservation as per Central Govt. guidelines will be applicable for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped [PH]. In respect of Physically Handicapped persons, candidates with following physical disability will be permitted:
Hearing Impairment - Partially Deaf
Locomotive Impairment - one arm or one leg or both legs affected
1. Scale of Pay
The post of J.T.O. is in the IDA pay-scale of Rs. 9850-250-14600.
(The pay scale is likely to be revised upwards)
2. Selection for a Particular Circle & Service liability
The BSNL comprises a number of territorial Circles and functional Circles. The recruitment will be made centrally by BSNL and JTOs so recruited will be allotted territorial/functional Circles depending on vacancies, their choice and merit. A list of the existing territorial Circles, their respective headquarters etc., appears in Annexure ‘A’.
The Junior Telecom Officer is a Circle-based Cadre and the candidates would be selected against the vacancies in a particular Circle and required to serve minimum of 5 years in that particular Circle only or until they are promoted to All India Cadre, whichever is earlier. However, the officers are liable to be transferred anywhere in India in the interest of service. Applicants shall have the option to be considered for a particular Circle [out of Annexure ‘A.’ Circles] of his/her choice in order of preference given by him/her in the application for examination. Option once exercised shall be final. Change of Circle afterwards would not be allowed. The applicants should exercise their option very carefully and indicate their choice of Circles in order of their preference. Applicants may opt for 5 [Five] Circles in order of their preference from amongst the Circles at Annexure-‘A’. If applicants have opted for 5 Circles in order of their preference then applicants shall give “Any where in India” as their sixth choice but if the number of Circles opted in order of their preference is less than 5 then one of option shall be “Any where in India”. In case it is not possible to accommodate them in any of the Circles of their choice, they shall be posted to any of the Circles where vacancies are available.
A successful applicant will, however, get appointment in the Circle of choice strictly depending upon his/her position in the merit-list drawn on the basis of his/her performance in the All India competitive examination and the number of vacancies available in the Circles. In case an applicant does not indicate his/her preference of Circle, he/she will be allotted the Circle wherever the vacancies remain unfilled irrespective of his/her position in the merit-list solely as per requirements of BSNL.
The above notwithstanding, BSNL has, however, the right to post any selected J.T.O. to any of the Circles either temporarily or on permanent basis. The decision of BSNL in this regard shall be final and binding. The service conditions, seniority etc. of selected candidates will be determined as per prevailing rules of the Corporation from time to time.
3. Eligibility
3.1. Nationality : Only Indian Nationals would be eligible to apply.
3.2. Educational Qualifications:
3.2.1. JTO(Telecom)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university:
i. Telecommunication,
ii. Electronics,
iii. Radio,
iv. Computer,
v. Electrical.
vi. Information Technology
Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009.
3.2.2. JTO(Civil)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Technology or equivalent in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institution/University.
Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009
3.2.3. JTO(Electrical)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Technology or equivalent in Electrical Engineering from a recognized Institution/University.
Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009
3.3 Age: The applicant for JTOs(Telecom), JTOs(Civil) and JTOs(Electrical) should not be more than 30 years of age on the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates. However, this age is relaxable as per standing instructions on this subject for:-
i) Govt. servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Govt.;
ii) BSNL employees upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the BSNL;
iii) For Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes candidates upto 5 years;
For OBC Candidates upto 3 years;
For General Category PH candidates upto 10 years ; (for SC/ST 15 years and for OBC 13 years)
vi) For certain other categories like ex-servicemen, displaced persons from East Pakistan[now Bangladesh], repatriates from Burma and Ceylon [now Srilanka],residents of Goa, Daman & Diu, persons migrated from Kenya, Uganda, Republic of Tanzania as per instructions issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
For Residents of J&K – Relaxation shall be in accordance with DoP&T’s Notification No.15012/7/1991-Estt.(D) dtd. 7.12.2007 pertaining to “Residents of State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services & Posts) Rules 1997”.
3.4. Further in respect of apprentices who have undergone apprentice training in BSNL successfully, there will be following provision:-
An apprentice will be required to compete in the common competitive examination conducted by BSNL along with other direct candidates and preference to the apprentices over non-apprentices direct candidates will be given only if apprentices secures equal place in merit in select zone and all other eligibility conditions being equal.
The apprentices would not be required to get her/his name sponsored by any employment exchange.
The apprentices would be entitled to age relaxation to the extent of the period for which the apprentice had undergone training as apprentice in the BSNL.
4. Mode of selection and nature of Question Paper
The mode of selection is through an All India Competitive Examination. The examination will be of three hours duration with one Question Paper containing the following three sections:-
For JTOs(Telecom)
Section-I : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-III : General Ability Test : 20 questions
For JTOs(Electrical)
Section-I : Electrical Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Electrical Engineering stream: 50 questions
Section-III : General Awareness : 20 questions
For JTOs (Civil)
Section-I : Civil Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Civil Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-III : General Ability Test : 20 questions
The Question Paper will be fully objective type with multiple options as answers to each question. The standard of paper in engineering subjects will be that of Engineering Examination of an Indian University.
However, there would be no separate time fixed for attempting the separate sections. Detailed syllabus for JTOs(Telecom), JTOs(Civil) and JTOs(Electrical) appear at Annexures ‘B’ , ‘C’ and ‘D’ respectively.
5. Minimum qualifying standards
BSNL shall fix minimum qualifying marks for OC/OBC/SC/ST/PH candidates for each section
as well as in the aggregate. Candidates obtaining less than minimum-qualifying marks in any of the sections or in aggregate shall not be considered for inclusion in the merit-list.
The merit-list will be drawn up on the basis of candidates’ performance in the exam and the number of vacancies. The appearance of the name in the merit-list does not confer any right to the candidate for employment. A final call letter/appointment letter will be issued to the candidate after completion of all other formalities.
6. Choice of Examination Centre
Applicants are required to indicate their choice of Examination Centre [item 15] of application form] at which they wish to appear. An applicant can opt for any one of the examination centers out of the Circles indicated in the Annexure 'A' and submit the application form to the Office of the CGM of the Circle concerned at whose examination centre the applicant wishes to appear. (e.g. a candidate wishing to appear at Hyderabad centre should submit his/her application to the DGM/G.M.(Admn), Office of Chief General Manager, Andhra Pradesh). A list of centers and the Deputy General Managers/General Managers to whom the application is to be submitted, is given in Annexure “A”.
Admit cards will be issued to eligible applicants by the Office of the CGM concerned. The examination centre will be the Circle Headquarters city of the CGM concerned as given in Annexure ‘A’.
7. Fee for examination and application form
The specimen of the application form is included in this advertisement. Neatly typed [only on one side of paper] copy in A4 size [30 cms. X 20 cms.] may be used for making application. The completed application form should be sent by Registered post to the CGM concerned. The envelope containing application form should be marked “Application for J.T.Os(Telecom) Examination-2008” OR “Application for J.T.Os (Civil) Examination-2008” OR “Application for J.T.Os(Electrical) Examination-2008”, as the case may be, in bold letters on top of the envelope.
Original advertisement or photocopy of the format in the advertisement must not be used for applying and in case a candidate submits such an application the same will not be entertained. The given application format must be separately typed.
An examination fee of Rs.750/-(Rupees Seven Hundred and fifty only) is payable in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Senior Accounts Officer/Accounts Officer payable at the respective stations as given in Annexure ‘A’. The amount of fee shall not be accepted in any other form. Fees once paid shall NOT be refunded under any circumstances nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
8. No Fee payable by SC/ST/PH
Applicants belonging to SC/ST/PH categories only are exempted from the examination fee. In the case of Physically handicapped candidates, this exemption will, however, be available to only those handicapped persons who would otherwise be eligible for appointment to the post on the basis of the standards of medical fitness prescribed for the post (including any concessions specifically extended to the physically handicapped) and who enclose with the application form, a necessary certificate from a Govt. Hospital/Medical Board in support of his claim for being handicapped.
9. Travelling Allowance to SC/ST Candidates
The applicants belonging to SC/ST categories will be entitled to T.A. as per provisions of Ministry of Finance(Deptt. of Expenditure) O.M. No.19014/3/77-E.IV (B) dtd. 17.02.1978.
10. Closing date for receipt of Application Forms
Application forms complete in every respect must reach on or before 06.04.2009. Applications received after the closing date or not accompanied by the demand draft [wherever applicable] for the prescribed examination fee or incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected and no communication in respect of the rejected application forms shall be entertained. Fees paid shall also NOT be refunded. BSNL shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
The applicants would be admitted to the examination on the basis of the information furnished by them in their application form. They are, therefore, advised to ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions before applying. In case it is found at a later stage that the information furnished by an applicant is false or an applicant does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicants would be cancelled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained. Issuance of an admit card for the examination will NOT confer any right for appointment. Appointment will be solely subject to fulfillment of all eligibility conditions.
11. Training and Bond
All candidates provisionally recruited shall execute Bonds in the format specified by the BSNL indicating their willingness to serve the Circle allotted and Corporation for a period of at least 5 years from the date of their appointment as JTOs. All candidates shall, before their appointment as JTOs have to successfully undergo prescribed training as per the training plan laid down and amended by the Company from time to time.
12. List of enclosures
Three identical passport size photographs out of which one should be pasted (not stapled or pinned) on the application form, duly attested, and the other two attached to the application (not to be pasted or attested)
Two self addressed unstamped envelopes of 27 x 12 cms size
Bank Draft for Rs.750/- (payable at par at the station of submitting the application) - [Not required for SC/ST/PH candidates]
d. Medical certificate in respect of Physically Handicapped candidates
e. Certificate of Apprentice training if undertaken in BSNL successfully.
13. Any dispute in regard to the recruitment will be subject to the Courts/Tribunals having jurisdiction over the place of concerned Circle office of BSNL where the candidate submits his/her application.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. [BSNL] will recruit about 3945 [subject to variation depending on the availability of vacancies] Junior Telecom Officers through an open competitive examination to be held on 21.06.2009 on All India basis, as per the details given below:-
SC: 459
ST: 239
OBC: 989
OC: 1858
TOTAL: 3545
3% of the total vacancy (1.5% for Locomotive and 1.5% for Hearing Impairment) will be reserved for PH quota.
Reservation as per Central Govt. guidelines will be applicable for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped [PH]. In respect of Physically Handicapped persons, candidates with following physical disability will be permitted:
Hearing Impairment - Partially Deaf
Locomotive Impairment - one arm or one leg or both legs affected
1. Scale of Pay
The post of J.T.O. is in the IDA pay-scale of Rs. 9850-250-14600.
(The pay scale is likely to be revised upwards)
2. Selection for a Particular Circle & Service liability
The BSNL comprises a number of territorial Circles and functional Circles. The recruitment will be made centrally by BSNL and JTOs so recruited will be allotted territorial/functional Circles depending on vacancies, their choice and merit. A list of the existing territorial Circles, their respective headquarters etc., appears in Annexure ‘A’.
The Junior Telecom Officer is a Circle-based Cadre and the candidates would be selected against the vacancies in a particular Circle and required to serve minimum of 5 years in that particular Circle only or until they are promoted to All India Cadre, whichever is earlier. However, the officers are liable to be transferred anywhere in India in the interest of service. Applicants shall have the option to be considered for a particular Circle [out of Annexure ‘A.’ Circles] of his/her choice in order of preference given by him/her in the application for examination. Option once exercised shall be final. Change of Circle afterwards would not be allowed. The applicants should exercise their option very carefully and indicate their choice of Circles in order of their preference. Applicants may opt for 5 [Five] Circles in order of their preference from amongst the Circles at Annexure-‘A’. If applicants have opted for 5 Circles in order of their preference then applicants shall give “Any where in India” as their sixth choice but if the number of Circles opted in order of their preference is less than 5 then one of option shall be “Any where in India”. In case it is not possible to accommodate them in any of the Circles of their choice, they shall be posted to any of the Circles where vacancies are available.
A successful applicant will, however, get appointment in the Circle of choice strictly depending upon his/her position in the merit-list drawn on the basis of his/her performance in the All India competitive examination and the number of vacancies available in the Circles. In case an applicant does not indicate his/her preference of Circle, he/she will be allotted the Circle wherever the vacancies remain unfilled irrespective of his/her position in the merit-list solely as per requirements of BSNL.
The above notwithstanding, BSNL has, however, the right to post any selected J.T.O. to any of the Circles either temporarily or on permanent basis. The decision of BSNL in this regard shall be final and binding. The service conditions, seniority etc. of selected candidates will be determined as per prevailing rules of the Corporation from time to time.
3. Eligibility
3.1. Nationality : Only Indian Nationals would be eligible to apply.
3.2. Educational Qualifications:
3.2.1. JTO(Telecom)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university:
i. Telecommunication,
ii. Electronics,
iii. Radio,
iv. Computer,
v. Electrical.
vi. Information Technology
Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009.
3.2.2. JTO(Civil)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Technology or equivalent in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institution/University.
Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009
3.2.3. JTO(Electrical)
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Technology or equivalent in Electrical Engineering from a recognized Institution/University.
Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009
3.3 Age: The applicant for JTOs(Telecom), JTOs(Civil) and JTOs(Electrical) should not be more than 30 years of age on the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates. However, this age is relaxable as per standing instructions on this subject for:-
i) Govt. servants upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Govt.;
ii) BSNL employees upto 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the BSNL;
iii) For Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes candidates upto 5 years;
For OBC Candidates upto 3 years;
For General Category PH candidates upto 10 years ; (for SC/ST 15 years and for OBC 13 years)
vi) For certain other categories like ex-servicemen, displaced persons from East Pakistan[now Bangladesh], repatriates from Burma and Ceylon [now Srilanka],residents of Goa, Daman & Diu, persons migrated from Kenya, Uganda, Republic of Tanzania as per instructions issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.
For Residents of J&K – Relaxation shall be in accordance with DoP&T’s Notification No.15012/7/1991-Estt.(D) dtd. 7.12.2007 pertaining to “Residents of State of Jammu and Kashmir (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit for Recruitment to Central Civil Services & Posts) Rules 1997”.
3.4. Further in respect of apprentices who have undergone apprentice training in BSNL successfully, there will be following provision:-
An apprentice will be required to compete in the common competitive examination conducted by BSNL along with other direct candidates and preference to the apprentices over non-apprentices direct candidates will be given only if apprentices secures equal place in merit in select zone and all other eligibility conditions being equal.
The apprentices would not be required to get her/his name sponsored by any employment exchange.
The apprentices would be entitled to age relaxation to the extent of the period for which the apprentice had undergone training as apprentice in the BSNL.
4. Mode of selection and nature of Question Paper
The mode of selection is through an All India Competitive Examination. The examination will be of three hours duration with one Question Paper containing the following three sections:-
For JTOs(Telecom)
Section-I : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-III : General Ability Test : 20 questions
For JTOs(Electrical)
Section-I : Electrical Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Electrical Engineering stream: 50 questions
Section-III : General Awareness : 20 questions
For JTOs (Civil)
Section-I : Civil Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Civil Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-III : General Ability Test : 20 questions
The Question Paper will be fully objective type with multiple options as answers to each question. The standard of paper in engineering subjects will be that of Engineering Examination of an Indian University.
However, there would be no separate time fixed for attempting the separate sections. Detailed syllabus for JTOs(Telecom), JTOs(Civil) and JTOs(Electrical) appear at Annexures ‘B’ , ‘C’ and ‘D’ respectively.
5. Minimum qualifying standards
BSNL shall fix minimum qualifying marks for OC/OBC/SC/ST/PH candidates for each section
as well as in the aggregate. Candidates obtaining less than minimum-qualifying marks in any of the sections or in aggregate shall not be considered for inclusion in the merit-list.
The merit-list will be drawn up on the basis of candidates’ performance in the exam and the number of vacancies. The appearance of the name in the merit-list does not confer any right to the candidate for employment. A final call letter/appointment letter will be issued to the candidate after completion of all other formalities.
6. Choice of Examination Centre
Applicants are required to indicate their choice of Examination Centre [item 15] of application form] at which they wish to appear. An applicant can opt for any one of the examination centers out of the Circles indicated in the Annexure 'A' and submit the application form to the Office of the CGM of the Circle concerned at whose examination centre the applicant wishes to appear. (e.g. a candidate wishing to appear at Hyderabad centre should submit his/her application to the DGM/G.M.(Admn), Office of Chief General Manager, Andhra Pradesh). A list of centers and the Deputy General Managers/General Managers to whom the application is to be submitted, is given in Annexure “A”.
Admit cards will be issued to eligible applicants by the Office of the CGM concerned. The examination centre will be the Circle Headquarters city of the CGM concerned as given in Annexure ‘A’.
7. Fee for examination and application form
The specimen of the application form is included in this advertisement. Neatly typed [only on one side of paper] copy in A4 size [30 cms. X 20 cms.] may be used for making application. The completed application form should be sent by Registered post to the CGM concerned. The envelope containing application form should be marked “Application for J.T.Os(Telecom) Examination-2008” OR “Application for J.T.Os (Civil) Examination-2008” OR “Application for J.T.Os(Electrical) Examination-2008”, as the case may be, in bold letters on top of the envelope.
Original advertisement or photocopy of the format in the advertisement must not be used for applying and in case a candidate submits such an application the same will not be entertained. The given application format must be separately typed.
An examination fee of Rs.750/-(Rupees Seven Hundred and fifty only) is payable in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Senior Accounts Officer/Accounts Officer payable at the respective stations as given in Annexure ‘A’. The amount of fee shall not be accepted in any other form. Fees once paid shall NOT be refunded under any circumstances nor can it be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
8. No Fee payable by SC/ST/PH
Applicants belonging to SC/ST/PH categories only are exempted from the examination fee. In the case of Physically handicapped candidates, this exemption will, however, be available to only those handicapped persons who would otherwise be eligible for appointment to the post on the basis of the standards of medical fitness prescribed for the post (including any concessions specifically extended to the physically handicapped) and who enclose with the application form, a necessary certificate from a Govt. Hospital/Medical Board in support of his claim for being handicapped.
9. Travelling Allowance to SC/ST Candidates
The applicants belonging to SC/ST categories will be entitled to T.A. as per provisions of Ministry of Finance(Deptt. of Expenditure) O.M. No.19014/3/77-E.IV (B) dtd. 17.02.1978.
10. Closing date for receipt of Application Forms
Application forms complete in every respect must reach on or before 06.04.2009. Applications received after the closing date or not accompanied by the demand draft [wherever applicable] for the prescribed examination fee or incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected and no communication in respect of the rejected application forms shall be entertained. Fees paid shall also NOT be refunded. BSNL shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
The applicants would be admitted to the examination on the basis of the information furnished by them in their application form. They are, therefore, advised to ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions before applying. In case it is found at a later stage that the information furnished by an applicant is false or an applicant does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, the candidature of such applicants would be cancelled and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained. Issuance of an admit card for the examination will NOT confer any right for appointment. Appointment will be solely subject to fulfillment of all eligibility conditions.
11. Training and Bond
All candidates provisionally recruited shall execute Bonds in the format specified by the BSNL indicating their willingness to serve the Circle allotted and Corporation for a period of at least 5 years from the date of their appointment as JTOs. All candidates shall, before their appointment as JTOs have to successfully undergo prescribed training as per the training plan laid down and amended by the Company from time to time.
12. List of enclosures
Three identical passport size photographs out of which one should be pasted (not stapled or pinned) on the application form, duly attested, and the other two attached to the application (not to be pasted or attested)
Two self addressed unstamped envelopes of 27 x 12 cms size
Bank Draft for Rs.750/- (payable at par at the station of submitting the application) - [Not required for SC/ST/PH candidates]
d. Medical certificate in respect of Physically Handicapped candidates
e. Certificate of Apprentice training if undertaken in BSNL successfully.
13. Any dispute in regard to the recruitment will be subject to the Courts/Tribunals having jurisdiction over the place of concerned Circle office of BSNL where the candidate submits his/her application.
NIMCET 2009 Online Application
Welcome To Online Registration For NIMCET 2009
Please read the following instructions very carefully before you fill in on-line application form:
- Before you start filling in the online application form, scan (a) your recent passport size photograph (alternatively, get a digital passport size photograph) and (b) your signature and keep these ready for uploading. Separate files should be created for the scanned photograph and signature in appropriate format (Jpeg, Tiff, etc) so that the size of the file does not exceed 33KB and 33 KB, respectively. Further, you should have your bank draft ready to complete the draft information part of the online application form.
- Use a Java enabled browser (Internet Explorer 6 or above, or Mozilla Firefox).
- Type the URL on your browser to get the home page of NIMCET09.
- “New Login” tab is shown in the top right corner and in the left pane of the home page. Press any one of them. Type your name (as given in your class 10th or equivalent certificate), email address, login id (choose the login id not less than 5 characters) and password (choose the password not less than 5 characters). The entries made here will be used in subsequent pages. After pressing “Submit” button, except password, you will not be allowed to change other entries.
- Enter Login Id and Password in the space provided on top of the home page to fill Personal Information, Qualifications and DD details.
- The fields marked with red star are mandatory, fill all such fields, otherwise, you will not be allowed to save the entered data.
- Fill in all the fields in Personal Information Form.
- Upload the photograph and signature by clicking browse in Personal Information and then selecting the corresponding files.
- Fill in all the three choices of examination centres in order of priority using drag down menu.
(A listed centre may be cancelled, if suitable number of candidates do not opt for it.)
- Complete all other fields and press the “Save” button given at the end of the page. To save the entered data, it is essential to press “Save” button on each page.
- On pressing “Save”, Educational Qualification Form will appear.
- Complete all the fields as required and press save button given at the bottom of the page.
- Complete all the required details of the bank draft on next page and then press “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
- Press “View” to view entered data, then print the application using “print” button if corrections are not required.
- Please remember that you cannot change the entries once it has been submitted. So be careful while pressing the “Submit and Exit” button.
- An Application Number will be generated that will be displayed on right top of Page 1 of the application form when you re login after pressing the "Submit" button. Please note that number for future reference.
- Sign the hard copy (printout on A4 size paper of the page displayed on your computer screen after step 16) at the bottom of each page and at Declaration of your application form and attach all the documents as listed in the check list given in this Information Brochure. The completed application form should be sent to
The Chairman, NIMCET09,
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
Allahabad-211004 UP
by post so as to reach on or before Monday, 6th April 2009. The application form can also be submitted in the office of NIMCET09 at MNNIT Allahabad by hand on all working days from 10.00AM to 5.00PMNIMCET 2009 NIT MCA Common Entrance Test 2009
National Institutes of Technology (NITs) are premier Technical Institutions of National repute
and fully funded by Government of India. The Curricula and Syllabi of Master of Computer
Applications (MCA) programme offered by NITs are designed considering the need of different
Software Houses in India and abroad and has a high job potential in IT Sector. The NIMCET is a
National Level Entrance Test conducted by NITs for admission to their MCA programme. The
admission to first year of MCA programme offered by all the NITs for the year 2009-10 will be
based on the Rank obtained in NIMCET09 ONLY.
Date of exam: 17th May 2009
Indian Nationals having minimum 60% marks (6.5/10 CGPA) in each of the examinations of
(i) 12th level and
(ii) Bachelor’s Degree of Full Time 3 year duration from a recognized University
with Mathematics/Statistics/Business Mathematics as one of the subjects in any one
semester/year in all the above (i) and (ii) mentioned courses, are eligible to apply. The SC/ST
candidates with minimum 55% marks (6.0/10 CGPA) are eligible. The candidates who are
appearing for the qualifying examination are also eligible to appear for NIMCET09. Such
candidates shall have to furnish the proof of fulfilling the eligibility criteria of NIMCET09
preferably at the time of Counselling/Admission but not later than 31st July, 2009, failing which,
their admission may be cancelled by the respective NITs.
The State of Eligibility is the state from where the candidate passed/appeared for graduation.
The duration of NIMCET09 examination will be for a period of two hours and will consist of 120
multiple choice questions with four choices for each question. Each correctly answered question
will carry FOUR marks and each wrongly answered question will lead to NEGATIVE ONE
mark. The candidates have to mark the responses in the OMR sheets at the time of examination.
Candidates have to bring their own HB pencil, eraser and black ball point pen.
The candidates are required to fill in web enabled on-line application forms from any place of their convenience. Also they are required to take a print out of the electronic submission and send it by post along with copies of 10+2+3 (Graduation) Marks Sheets/Certificates and a Demand draft as detailed below to
The Chairman
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
Allahabad-211004 (UP)
so as to reach on or before 6th April, 2009. Applications received after the due date (due to postal any other reasons) will not be considered.
The Application Fee for the Entrance Examination of the MCA programme is Rs. 700/- for
OPEN/OBC and Rs. 350/- for SC/ST candidates. Candidates will have to take Demand Draft of appropriate amount depending on their category drawn in favour of “NIMCET09”, payable at Allahabad. Candidates are advised to write their name, address and Mobile/Phone Number on the reverse side of the Demand Draft.
and fully funded by Government of India. The Curricula and Syllabi of Master of Computer
Applications (MCA) programme offered by NITs are designed considering the need of different
Software Houses in India and abroad and has a high job potential in IT Sector. The NIMCET is a
National Level Entrance Test conducted by NITs for admission to their MCA programme. The
admission to first year of MCA programme offered by all the NITs for the year 2009-10 will be
based on the Rank obtained in NIMCET09 ONLY.
Date of exam: 17th May 2009
Indian Nationals having minimum 60% marks (6.5/10 CGPA) in each of the examinations of
(i) 12th level and
(ii) Bachelor’s Degree of Full Time 3 year duration from a recognized University
with Mathematics/Statistics/Business Mathematics as one of the subjects in any one
semester/year in all the above (i) and (ii) mentioned courses, are eligible to apply. The SC/ST
candidates with minimum 55% marks (6.0/10 CGPA) are eligible. The candidates who are
appearing for the qualifying examination are also eligible to appear for NIMCET09. Such
candidates shall have to furnish the proof of fulfilling the eligibility criteria of NIMCET09
preferably at the time of Counselling/Admission but not later than 31st July, 2009, failing which,
their admission may be cancelled by the respective NITs.
The State of Eligibility is the state from where the candidate passed/appeared for graduation.
The duration of NIMCET09 examination will be for a period of two hours and will consist of 120
multiple choice questions with four choices for each question. Each correctly answered question
will carry FOUR marks and each wrongly answered question will lead to NEGATIVE ONE
mark. The candidates have to mark the responses in the OMR sheets at the time of examination.
Candidates have to bring their own HB pencil, eraser and black ball point pen.
The candidates are required to fill in web enabled on-line application forms from any place of their convenience. Also they are required to take a print out of the electronic submission and send it by post along with copies of 10+2+3 (Graduation) Marks Sheets/Certificates and a Demand draft as detailed below to
The Chairman
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
Allahabad-211004 (UP)
so as to reach on or before 6th April, 2009. Applications received after the due date (due to postal any other reasons) will not be considered.
The Application Fee for the Entrance Examination of the MCA programme is Rs. 700/- for
OPEN/OBC and Rs. 350/- for SC/ST candidates. Candidates will have to take Demand Draft of appropriate amount depending on their category drawn in favour of “NIMCET09”, payable at Allahabad. Candidates are advised to write their name, address and Mobile/Phone Number on the reverse side of the Demand Draft.
Project Fellows in UGC Sponsored Projects I.S.M. University, Dhanbad
Applications on plain paper with attested copies of supporting documents
with complete biodata, including contact number, email ID, are invited for
Project Fellows in UGC sponsored projects so as to reach the concerned
Principal Investigators(PIs) in the Deptt. of Applied Mathematics on or before
12 March 2009.
(a) Contributions to the sampling theory using auxiliary information
PI : Prof L N Upadhyaya;
[0326-2235239 / 9431126341;]
(b) Pseudo-differential operators associated with Bessel Operator on
Gevrey Spaces
PI : Dr Akhilesh Prasad
[0326-2235666 / 9431711231;]
Qualification: Master degree in Statistics (for ‘a’) and Mathematics (for ‘b’)
with minimum of 60% marks from UGC recognized University/Institute. NET/
GATE qualified candidates will be preferred.
Age : Not exceeding 40 years at the time of appointment. Relaxation of 5
years for SC/ST/PH/Female candidates.
Fellowship : Rs.8,000/- (fixed) per month. Positions are temporary and coterminus
with the projects which are sanctioned for 3 years. TA/DA not
payable for attending interviews.
JIPMER MBBS 2009 Online Application
On-line Applications:
JIPMER MBBS 2009 application can be submitted by On-Line process (Internet based) from 25-02-2009 to 08-04-2009. The candidate should first pay the non-refundable application fee of Rs.750/- (Unreserved/OBC) and Rs.500/- (SC/ST) by obtaining a Demand Draft as mentioned above. The draft details are required while filling up on-line form. Candidates are required to take a print of a single on-line application form after successful submission of data. The printed Form with the requisite signatures, photograph, attestations, left thumb print of the applicant and the demand draft must be sent by speed post so as to reach the Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry - 605 006 by 15th April, 2009. Attested copies of OBC/SC/ST certificates, Medical Certificate in support of disability must be enclosed with the Application Form wherever applicable. Failure to enclose these certificates will render the completed applications (both off-line and on-line) ineligible for Entrance Examination.
JIPMER MBBS 2009 application can be submitted by On-Line process (Internet based) from 25-02-2009 to 08-04-2009. The candidate should first pay the non-refundable application fee of Rs.750/- (Unreserved/OBC) and Rs.500/- (SC/ST) by obtaining a Demand Draft as mentioned above. The draft details are required while filling up on-line form. Candidates are required to take a print of a single on-line application form after successful submission of data. The printed Form with the requisite signatures, photograph, attestations, left thumb print of the applicant and the demand draft must be sent by speed post so as to reach the Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry - 605 006 by 15th April, 2009. Attested copies of OBC/SC/ST certificates, Medical Certificate in support of disability must be enclosed with the Application Form wherever applicable. Failure to enclose these certificates will render the completed applications (both off-line and on-line) ineligible for Entrance Examination.
Date of Exam: 7th June 2009
Centres for Entrance Examination:
(1) Puducherry
(2) Chennai
(3) Hyderabad
(4) Thiruvananthapuram
(5) Kolkatta
(6) New Delhi
(7) Under no circumstances the centre once communicated in the application form by the candidate will be changed by JIPMER.
The applicants are requested to mention the Code Number and Centre of Entrance Examination preferred by them near the address column of the envelope containing the filled-in Application Forms posted by them. The applicants cannot claim as a matter of right the centre for Examination. However for any emergency or valid reason the same can be changed upon a written request addressed to the DEAN for approval and sanction
Duration of M.B.B.S. Course:
Duration of the course is 4 years and 6 months as per the Academic Calendar of JIPMER followed by 1 year of Compulsory Rotatary Internship.
Number of Seats Available for JIPMER M.B.B.S. 2009 Session:
(A) Unreserved (UR) 22
(B) Other Backward Classes (OBC) 15
(C) Scheduled Caste (SC) 11
(D) Scheduled Tribe (ST) 08
(E) Puducherry Unreserved (P-UR) 17
(F) Puducherry Other Backward Classes (P-OBC) 05
(G) Puducherry Scheduled Caste (P-SC) 04
(H)* Government of India nomination
subject to fulfillment of basic requirements
(refer to page 7 & 25 of Prospectus) 18
(I) ** OPH
* For these categories, candidates need to apply directly to the Authorities concerned (vide Annexure II) and not to JIPMER Administration. JIPMER does not entertain any queries or reply to any correspondence in this regard.
** OPH – 03 Seats are reserved on horizontal reservation basis.
* There is no Quota for Non-Resident Indians (NRI) applicants for M.B.B.S. Admissions at JIPMER.
Definitions of Categories:
Unreserved (UR) means a candidate who is a resident Indian national satisfying the requirement of eligibility as prescribed by the Medical Council of India.
Other Backward Classes (OBC) applies to candidates whose sub-caste tallies with Central List of OBC, OBC candidates claiming reservation of seat should not belong to Creamy Layer. OBC Certificate must be in the format as mentioned in the Annexure. The certificate issued by the Competent Revenue Authority (Vide Annexure V) should be enclosed with the Application Forms.
(The last three years Income Tax returns of their parents as proof of non-Creamy Layer status should be brought at the time of counseling along with the original OBC Certificate issued by the competent Revenue Authority)
(iii) “Scheduled Castes” means Scheduled Castes as specified and laid down by the Government of India.
(iv) “Scheduled Tribes” means Scheduled Tribes as specified and laid down by the Government of India.
(v) Puducherry Unreserved (P-UR) means any applicant who is a Puducherry resident and an Indian National with
(a) Candidate / his or her parents residing continuously in the Union Territory of Puducherry for atleast five years immediately preceding the date of application.
(b) Children of Central / State Government servants, including employees of Public Sector undertaking under the Central / State Government posted and serving in the Union Territory of Puducherry for at least a minimum period of ONE year prior to the last date for submission of application.
(vi) Puducherry Other Backward Classes (P-OBC) means a candidate satisfying the afore mentioned definitions of categories (ii) as well as v (a) / (b).
(vii) Puducherry Scheduled Caste (P-SC) means a candidate satisfying the afore mentioned definitions of categories (iii) as well as v (a) / (b).
(vii) “Orthopaedic Physically Handicapped (OPH) means those who have locomotor disability of lower limbs between 50% and 70% attested by a valid Medical Board. Candidates should submit an attested copy of the Medical Certificate in support of disability as mentioned above at the time of application and if selected, they will have to produce the Original Medical Certificate at the time of Counseling, and he/she also should appear before a Medical Board of this Institute and obtain a valid Disability Certificate prior to admission. The reservation for Physically Handicapped is according to the availability of eligible candidates. 3 seats are reserved for OPH Candidates on horizontal reservation basis for M.B.B.S. admission July 2009 session.
Eligibility Criteria for Admission to MBBS Course at JIPMER:
(i) The Applicant should be a Resident Indian National.
(ii) The Applicant should have studied and completed their course in the schools located in India in the preceding two years (except for those admitted against the seats reserved for foreign students nominated by the Government of India).
(iii) He/She has completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December 2009, the year of his/her admission to the 1st year M.B.B.S., i.e. they should have been born on or before 01-01-1993, and is an INDIAN NATIONAL.
(This criterion will be applicable also to candidates nominated by the Government of India. Request for relaxation from the prescribed age limit will not be considered for any category of applicants).
(iv) The applicants should have passed the qualifying examinations in the manner mentioned below:
(a) The Higher / Senior Secondary Examination or the Indian School Certificate Examination which is equivalent to 10+2 Higher / Senior Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years study, the last two years of such study comprising Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Botony and Zoology (which shall include practical tests in these subjects) and with English at a level not less than the core course for English as prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training after introduction of the 10+2+3 educational structure as recommended by the National Committee on Education and
(b) The applicant must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Botany & Zoology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Botany & Zoology at the qualifying examination. For Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates, the minimum marks in the qualifying examination will be 40%.
Annexure - I lists the examinations recognized by JIPMER
The Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination other than those mentioned in the list appended in Annexure - I will have to submit an Eligibility Certificate from the JIPMER before admission is finalised. Obtaining such an Eligibility Certificate from the JIPMER is essential to foreign nationals nominated by the Central Government for admission to JIPMER M.B.B.S. Course.
The Application Procedure – How to Obtain? :
(i) The Prospectus with the Application Forms can be obtained against only cash payment of Rs.750/- for Unreserved/Other Backward Classes Category (UR/OBC/P-UR/P-OBC)) and Rs.500/- for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Category (SC/ST/P-SC) from State Bank of India, JIPMER Campus, Pondicherry-605006 on all working days up to 15th April, 2009, Wednesday. This includes cost of Prospectus as well as Non-Refundable Examination Fee. Fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
State Bank of India, JIPMER Campus at JIPMER is the only branch where the applications are sold against cash payment. The bank timings when the applications will be available are 10.00 am to 04.00 pm on all working days (Monday to Friday) and from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon on Saturdays. No request for issue will be entertained after these stipulated hours.
The Prospectus and Application Forms can also be had from Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry - 605 006 up to 8th April, 2009 through Postal requests, accompanied by a M.I.C.R. Bank Draft of Rs.750/- (Unreserved/OBC) and Rs.500/- (SC/ST) drawn in favour of “Accounts Officer, JIPMER” payable at any Nationalized Banks in Pondicherry Union Territory. 13cm x 7 cm self addressed label must accompany the postal request for correct delivery of the Application Forms.
Those candidates who are applying in the Off-line application forms obtained from this Institute through post or in person from State Bank of India in JIPMER have to send the filled-in application form along with the acknowledgement card kept in the envelope with their address duly filled. The application number should be written at the top in the copy of OBC/SC/ST and Medical Certificate.
On-line Applications:
JIPMER MBBS 2009 application can be submitted by On-Line process (Internet based) by accessing the Website: link from 25-02-2009 to 08-04-2009. The candidate should first pay the non-refundable application fee of Rs.750/- (Unreserved/OBC) and Rs.500/- (SC/ST) by obtaining a Demand Draft as mentioned above. The draft details are required while filling up on-line form. Candidates are required to take a print of a single on-line application form after successful submission of data. The printed Form with the requisite signatures, photograph, attestations, left thumb print of the applicant and the demand draft must be sent by speed post so as to reach the Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry - 605 006 by 15th April, 2009. Attested copies of OBC/SC/ST certificates, Medical Certificate in support of disability must be enclosed with the Application Form wherever applicable. Failure to enclose these certificates will render the completed applications (both off-line and on-line) ineligible for Entrance Examination.
Date of Exam: 7th June 2009
Centres for Entrance Examination:
(1) Puducherry
(2) Chennai
(3) Hyderabad
(4) Thiruvananthapuram
(5) Kolkatta
(6) New Delhi
(7) Under no circumstances the centre once communicated in the application form by the candidate will be changed by JIPMER.
The applicants are requested to mention the Code Number and Centre of Entrance Examination preferred by them near the address column of the envelope containing the filled-in Application Forms posted by them. The applicants cannot claim as a matter of right the centre for Examination. However for any emergency or valid reason the same can be changed upon a written request addressed to the DEAN for approval and sanction
Duration of M.B.B.S. Course:
Duration of the course is 4 years and 6 months as per the Academic Calendar of JIPMER followed by 1 year of Compulsory Rotatary Internship.
Number of Seats Available for JIPMER M.B.B.S. 2009 Session:
(A) Unreserved (UR) 22
(B) Other Backward Classes (OBC) 15
(C) Scheduled Caste (SC) 11
(D) Scheduled Tribe (ST) 08
(E) Puducherry Unreserved (P-UR) 17
(F) Puducherry Other Backward Classes (P-OBC) 05
(G) Puducherry Scheduled Caste (P-SC) 04
(H)* Government of India nomination
subject to fulfillment of basic requirements
(refer to page 7 & 25 of Prospectus) 18
(I) ** OPH
* For these categories, candidates need to apply directly to the Authorities concerned (vide Annexure II) and not to JIPMER Administration. JIPMER does not entertain any queries or reply to any correspondence in this regard.
** OPH – 03 Seats are reserved on horizontal reservation basis.
* There is no Quota for Non-Resident Indians (NRI) applicants for M.B.B.S. Admissions at JIPMER.
Definitions of Categories:
Unreserved (UR) means a candidate who is a resident Indian national satisfying the requirement of eligibility as prescribed by the Medical Council of India.
Other Backward Classes (OBC) applies to candidates whose sub-caste tallies with Central List of OBC, OBC candidates claiming reservation of seat should not belong to Creamy Layer. OBC Certificate must be in the format as mentioned in the Annexure. The certificate issued by the Competent Revenue Authority (Vide Annexure V) should be enclosed with the Application Forms.
(The last three years Income Tax returns of their parents as proof of non-Creamy Layer status should be brought at the time of counseling along with the original OBC Certificate issued by the competent Revenue Authority)
(iii) “Scheduled Castes” means Scheduled Castes as specified and laid down by the Government of India.
(iv) “Scheduled Tribes” means Scheduled Tribes as specified and laid down by the Government of India.
(v) Puducherry Unreserved (P-UR) means any applicant who is a Puducherry resident and an Indian National with
(a) Candidate / his or her parents residing continuously in the Union Territory of Puducherry for atleast five years immediately preceding the date of application.
(b) Children of Central / State Government servants, including employees of Public Sector undertaking under the Central / State Government posted and serving in the Union Territory of Puducherry for at least a minimum period of ONE year prior to the last date for submission of application.
(vi) Puducherry Other Backward Classes (P-OBC) means a candidate satisfying the afore mentioned definitions of categories (ii) as well as v (a) / (b).
(vii) Puducherry Scheduled Caste (P-SC) means a candidate satisfying the afore mentioned definitions of categories (iii) as well as v (a) / (b).
(vii) “Orthopaedic Physically Handicapped (OPH) means those who have locomotor disability of lower limbs between 50% and 70% attested by a valid Medical Board. Candidates should submit an attested copy of the Medical Certificate in support of disability as mentioned above at the time of application and if selected, they will have to produce the Original Medical Certificate at the time of Counseling, and he/she also should appear before a Medical Board of this Institute and obtain a valid Disability Certificate prior to admission. The reservation for Physically Handicapped is according to the availability of eligible candidates. 3 seats are reserved for OPH Candidates on horizontal reservation basis for M.B.B.S. admission July 2009 session.
Eligibility Criteria for Admission to MBBS Course at JIPMER:
(i) The Applicant should be a Resident Indian National.
(ii) The Applicant should have studied and completed their course in the schools located in India in the preceding two years (except for those admitted against the seats reserved for foreign students nominated by the Government of India).
(iii) He/She has completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December 2009, the year of his/her admission to the 1st year M.B.B.S., i.e. they should have been born on or before 01-01-1993, and is an INDIAN NATIONAL.
(This criterion will be applicable also to candidates nominated by the Government of India. Request for relaxation from the prescribed age limit will not be considered for any category of applicants).
(iv) The applicants should have passed the qualifying examinations in the manner mentioned below:
(a) The Higher / Senior Secondary Examination or the Indian School Certificate Examination which is equivalent to 10+2 Higher / Senior Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years study, the last two years of such study comprising Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Botony and Zoology (which shall include practical tests in these subjects) and with English at a level not less than the core course for English as prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training after introduction of the 10+2+3 educational structure as recommended by the National Committee on Education and
(b) The applicant must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Botany & Zoology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Botany & Zoology at the qualifying examination. For Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe candidates, the minimum marks in the qualifying examination will be 40%.
Annexure - I lists the examinations recognized by JIPMER
The Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination other than those mentioned in the list appended in Annexure - I will have to submit an Eligibility Certificate from the JIPMER before admission is finalised. Obtaining such an Eligibility Certificate from the JIPMER is essential to foreign nationals nominated by the Central Government for admission to JIPMER M.B.B.S. Course.
The Application Procedure – How to Obtain? :
(i) The Prospectus with the Application Forms can be obtained against only cash payment of Rs.750/- for Unreserved/Other Backward Classes Category (UR/OBC/P-UR/P-OBC)) and Rs.500/- for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Category (SC/ST/P-SC) from State Bank of India, JIPMER Campus, Pondicherry-605006 on all working days up to 15th April, 2009, Wednesday. This includes cost of Prospectus as well as Non-Refundable Examination Fee. Fee once remitted shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
State Bank of India, JIPMER Campus at JIPMER is the only branch where the applications are sold against cash payment. The bank timings when the applications will be available are 10.00 am to 04.00 pm on all working days (Monday to Friday) and from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon on Saturdays. No request for issue will be entertained after these stipulated hours.
The Prospectus and Application Forms can also be had from Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry - 605 006 up to 8th April, 2009 through Postal requests, accompanied by a M.I.C.R. Bank Draft of Rs.750/- (Unreserved/OBC) and Rs.500/- (SC/ST) drawn in favour of “Accounts Officer, JIPMER” payable at any Nationalized Banks in Pondicherry Union Territory. 13cm x 7 cm self addressed label must accompany the postal request for correct delivery of the Application Forms.
Those candidates who are applying in the Off-line application forms obtained from this Institute through post or in person from State Bank of India in JIPMER have to send the filled-in application form along with the acknowledgement card kept in the envelope with their address duly filled. The application number should be written at the top in the copy of OBC/SC/ST and Medical Certificate.
On-line Applications:
JIPMER MBBS 2009 application can be submitted by On-Line process (Internet based) by accessing the Website: link from 25-02-2009 to 08-04-2009. The candidate should first pay the non-refundable application fee of Rs.750/- (Unreserved/OBC) and Rs.500/- (SC/ST) by obtaining a Demand Draft as mentioned above. The draft details are required while filling up on-line form. Candidates are required to take a print of a single on-line application form after successful submission of data. The printed Form with the requisite signatures, photograph, attestations, left thumb print of the applicant and the demand draft must be sent by speed post so as to reach the Professor (Academic), JIPMER, Puducherry - 605 006 by 15th April, 2009. Attested copies of OBC/SC/ST certificates, Medical Certificate in support of disability must be enclosed with the Application Form wherever applicable. Failure to enclose these certificates will render the completed applications (both off-line and on-line) ineligible for Entrance Examination.
DELHI 6 Movie Review
Banner: UTV Motion Pictures & Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra Picture
Cast: Abhishek Bachchan, Sonam Kapoor, Atul Kulkarni, Divya Dutta, Om Puri, Rishi Kapoor, Waheeda Rehman, Pawan Malhotra & Vijay Raaz
MUsic: AR Rehman
Lyrics: Prasoon Joshi, Vivinenne Pocha, Claire
Dialogues: Prasoon Joshi
Cinematography: Binod Pradhan
Aaction: Allan Amin
Editor: P S Bharathi
Screenplay: Rakesh Mehra, Prasoon Joshi, Kamlesh Pandey
Direction: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra
Producers: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra & Ronnie Screwvala
Release date: 20 Feb 2009
16 Days Movie Review
Film: 16 Days
Cast: Charmee, Aravind, Kota Srinivas Rao and others
Dialogues: Nivas
Lyrics: Bhaskar Batla
Cinematography: Sukumar
Music: Dharan
Editing: J N Harsha
Producers: D Y Chowdhary, Mahesh Babu
Banner: Cosmos Entertainments
Directed by: Prabhu Solomon
Release date: Feb 20, 2009
CBFC Rating: U/A
Cast: Charmee, Aravind, Kota Srinivas Rao and others
Dialogues: Nivas
Lyrics: Bhaskar Batla
Cinematography: Sukumar
Music: Dharan
Editing: J N Harsha
Producers: D Y Chowdhary, Mahesh Babu
Banner: Cosmos Entertainments
Directed by: Prabhu Solomon
Release date: Feb 20, 2009
CBFC Rating: U/A
ICET 2009 Model paper
Analytical Ability
(i) Date Sufficiency
In each of the questions numbered 1 and 2, the question is
followed by data in the form of two statements labeled as i and
ii. You must decide whether the data given in the statements are
sufficient to answer the questions. Using the data, make an
appropriate choice form (1) to (4) as per the following
(1) If the statement i alone is sufficient to answer the question;
(2) If the statement ii alone is sufficient to answer the question;
(3) If both the statements i and ii are sufficient to answer the
question but neither statement along is sufficient.
(4) If both the statements i and ii together and not sufficient to
answer the question and additional data is required.
1. What is the value of the non-negative integer x?
(i) 2x is odd (ii) 3x is odd
2. What is the length of the train?
(i) It crosses a pole in 8 seconds.
(ii) It crosses a bridge of length 100 m in 12 seconds.
(i) Problem solving
a) Sequence and Series
Note: In each of the questions numbered 3 and 4, a sequence of
numbers or letters that follow a definite pattern is given. Each
question has a blank space. This has to be filled with the correct
answer chosen from the given four options to complete the
sequence without breaking the pattern.
3. AZBY, CXDW …………………. GTHS
(1) EXUV (2) EVFU (3) EVRU (4) EVSU
4. 9, 19, 40, ………………, 146
(1) 70 (2) 59 (3) 69 (4) 64
Note: In questions 5 and 6 pick the odd thing out
5. (1) 65 (2) 126 (3) 217 (4) 343
6. (1) BFH (2) MQS (4) GJL (4) NRT
In a code TANK is written as SZOL and FRIEND is written as
EQHFOE. Find the process of coding and answer the question 9.
9. The code for ZENITH is
d) Date, Time & Arrangement Problems:
10. In a row of six persons, D and C are immediate neighbours of E.
B is a neighbour of A only. A is the fourth from F. Who are on
the two end points?
(1) F, B (2) F, C (3) B, D (4) C, A
Mathematical Ability
(i) Arithmetical Ability:
1. A wire of length 132 cm is bent to form a rectangle whose sides
are in the ratio 7:4. The area (in square cms) of the rectangle is
(1) 4032 (2) 4230 (3) 100 (4) 3420
2. The ratio of the area of square of side ‘a’ to the area of an
equilateral triangle of side ‘a’ is
(1) 4: 3 (2) 2: 3 (3) 3 :2 (4) 3 :4
3. If in a group of people, m persons can speak Telugu, n persons
can speak Tamil and t persons can speak both Tamil and
Telugu, then, the number of persons who can speak either
Telugu or Tamil is
(1) m-n+1 (2) m-n-t (3) m+n-1 (4) n-m+t
4. If a:b 1; 3 and b:c = 2:5, then, a:b:c =
(1) 1:3:5 (2) 1:6:5 (3) 2:6:15 (4) 6:2:15
(ii) Algebraical and Geometrical Ability
5. If one root of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is double the other
root, then
(1) b2 = 9ac (2) 2b2 = 3abc (3) b = 2a (4) 2b2 = 9ac
6. Equation of the line passing through the point (2, -3) and
perpendicular to the line segment joining the points (1, 2) (-1, 5)
(1) 2x-3y-13 = 0 (2) 2x-3y-9 = 0
(3) 2x-3y-11 = 0 (4) 2x-3y-7 = 0
7. If (0, 0), (2, 2) and (0, a) form a right angled isosceles triangle,
then a =
(1) 4 (2) -4 (3) 3 (4) -3
(iii) Statistical Ability:
8. The mean deviation of the values 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 38, 39,
46, 48 from the mean is
(1) 7.6 (2) 6.7 (3) 7.8 (4) 8.7
9. Eight coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of
getting at least six heads is
(1) 39
(2) 29
(3) 31
(4) 37
10. If the standard deviation of a1, a2, …., an is s, then, the standard
deviation of a1 + b, a2 + b, …., an + b is
(1) s + b (2) s – b (3) s (4) sb
Communication Ability
Part – 1 : Vocabulary
Choose the correct meaning for the word:
1. Alleviation
(1) Decoration (2) Exaggeration (3) Mitigation (4)
Fill in the blank choosing the correct word:
2. The old lady is an …………. Story-teller
(1) adept (2) adopt (3) adapt (4) adrift
Part – 2 : Business and Computer Technology
Choose the correct answer:
3. An Actuary is
(1) One who presents himself
(2) One who project himself
(3) One who works in a sanctuary
(4) One who makes calculations connected with insurance
Part – 3 : Functional Grammar
Choose the correct answer:
4. A : Would you mind lending your umbrella?
B : Yes, I do.
In this conversation
(1) B is willing to lend it to A (2) B excuses himself
(3) B is hesitant
5. “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”. This sentence
(1) speaks of an utter impossibility
(2) expresses a condition
(3) implies a difficult possibility
(4) states an absurdity
Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrase/verb/ preposition
6. We had a pleasant conversation …………… a cup of tea.
(1) with (2) on (3) over (4) during
7. Some bottles are not suitable ……………. Recycling.
(1) for (2) with (3) to (4) in
Part-4 : Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage and answer questions 8 to 10
The overwhelming vote given by the greater part of the public has so far been in favour of entertainment which passes the time easily, and
satisfies that part of our imagination which depends on the more obvious kind of daydreams. You can argue that these daydreams are usually
substitutes for our own inactivity, ineffectualness, and lack of power or influence, so that we make up for what we secretly regard as our
deficiencies by watching the stimulating adventures of other people who are larger, stronger, more effective, or more beautiful than we are. The
conventional stars act the roles of other people who are larger, stronger more effective, or more beautiful than we are. The conventional West, or
in the jungles we will never visit (we would not dare to, most of us, if we could), or in the underworld of great cities where crime and violence
may not pay in the end, but are very exciting to watch if your youth is being spent in the day-to-day routine of school or office, on the one hand,
or in the kitchen and living - room of 39 Blank St, on the other.
Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, most of us are very conscious of deficiencies in our looks, our clothes, and the circumstances of our
homes. But on the screen we can feast our eyes on people selected to appear because of their good looks, dressed in expensive and sometimes
extravagantly showy clothes, and moving about most of the time in the plushy environment of wealth. What you cannot have yourself, at least
you can continuously look at surrounding other people, and, who knows, one day you may have these things too, like the stars who have come
up from nowhere but now earn large fortunes!
8. Why do we enjoy films in which there are larger-than-life characters?
(1) We don't like films to be true to life
(2) We like the big screen.
(3) Art is not for art's sake
(4) They enable us to compensate ourselves for our shortcomings.
9. Why do we enjoy films based on crime and violence?
(1) Human beings admire criminals.
(2) They provide for us with some relief from the boredom of routine life
(3) Crime and violence have become part of our life.
(4) All human beings are sadists.
10. What aspect of human psychology the author does refer to in the second paragraph?
(1) Human beings enjoy the very sight of qualities and luxuries they are deprived of.
(2) Human psychology is very complex.
(3) Human beings love being poor.
(4) Human being admire themselves.
Analytical Ability
(i) Date Sufficiency
In each of the questions numbered 1 and 2, the question is
followed by data in the form of two statements labeled as i and
ii. You must decide whether the data given in the statements are
sufficient to answer the questions. Using the data, make an
appropriate choice form (1) to (4) as per the following
(1) If the statement i alone is sufficient to answer the question;
(2) If the statement ii alone is sufficient to answer the question;
(3) If both the statements i and ii are sufficient to answer the
question but neither statement along is sufficient.
(4) If both the statements i and ii together and not sufficient to
answer the question and additional data is required.
1. What is the value of the non-negative integer x?
(i) 2x is odd (ii) 3x is odd
2. What is the length of the train?
(i) It crosses a pole in 8 seconds.
(ii) It crosses a bridge of length 100 m in 12 seconds.
(i) Problem solving
a) Sequence and Series
Note: In each of the questions numbered 3 and 4, a sequence of
numbers or letters that follow a definite pattern is given. Each
question has a blank space. This has to be filled with the correct
answer chosen from the given four options to complete the
sequence without breaking the pattern.
3. AZBY, CXDW …………………. GTHS
(1) EXUV (2) EVFU (3) EVRU (4) EVSU
4. 9, 19, 40, ………………, 146
(1) 70 (2) 59 (3) 69 (4) 64
Note: In questions 5 and 6 pick the odd thing out
5. (1) 65 (2) 126 (3) 217 (4) 343
6. (1) BFH (2) MQS (4) GJL (4) NRT
In a code TANK is written as SZOL and FRIEND is written as
EQHFOE. Find the process of coding and answer the question 9.
9. The code for ZENITH is
d) Date, Time & Arrangement Problems:
10. In a row of six persons, D and C are immediate neighbours of E.
B is a neighbour of A only. A is the fourth from F. Who are on
the two end points?
(1) F, B (2) F, C (3) B, D (4) C, A
Mathematical Ability
(i) Arithmetical Ability:
1. A wire of length 132 cm is bent to form a rectangle whose sides
are in the ratio 7:4. The area (in square cms) of the rectangle is
(1) 4032 (2) 4230 (3) 100 (4) 3420
2. The ratio of the area of square of side ‘a’ to the area of an
equilateral triangle of side ‘a’ is
(1) 4: 3 (2) 2: 3 (3) 3 :2 (4) 3 :4
3. If in a group of people, m persons can speak Telugu, n persons
can speak Tamil and t persons can speak both Tamil and
Telugu, then, the number of persons who can speak either
Telugu or Tamil is
(1) m-n+1 (2) m-n-t (3) m+n-1 (4) n-m+t
4. If a:b 1; 3 and b:c = 2:5, then, a:b:c =
(1) 1:3:5 (2) 1:6:5 (3) 2:6:15 (4) 6:2:15
(ii) Algebraical and Geometrical Ability
5. If one root of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 is double the other
root, then
(1) b2 = 9ac (2) 2b2 = 3abc (3) b = 2a (4) 2b2 = 9ac
6. Equation of the line passing through the point (2, -3) and
perpendicular to the line segment joining the points (1, 2) (-1, 5)
(1) 2x-3y-13 = 0 (2) 2x-3y-9 = 0
(3) 2x-3y-11 = 0 (4) 2x-3y-7 = 0
7. If (0, 0), (2, 2) and (0, a) form a right angled isosceles triangle,
then a =
(1) 4 (2) -4 (3) 3 (4) -3
(iii) Statistical Ability:
8. The mean deviation of the values 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 38, 39,
46, 48 from the mean is
(1) 7.6 (2) 6.7 (3) 7.8 (4) 8.7
9. Eight coins are tossed simultaneously. The probability of
getting at least six heads is
(1) 39
(2) 29
(3) 31
(4) 37
10. If the standard deviation of a1, a2, …., an is s, then, the standard
deviation of a1 + b, a2 + b, …., an + b is
(1) s + b (2) s – b (3) s (4) sb
Communication Ability
Part – 1 : Vocabulary
Choose the correct meaning for the word:
1. Alleviation
(1) Decoration (2) Exaggeration (3) Mitigation (4)
Fill in the blank choosing the correct word:
2. The old lady is an …………. Story-teller
(1) adept (2) adopt (3) adapt (4) adrift
Part – 2 : Business and Computer Technology
Choose the correct answer:
3. An Actuary is
(1) One who presents himself
(2) One who project himself
(3) One who works in a sanctuary
(4) One who makes calculations connected with insurance
Part – 3 : Functional Grammar
Choose the correct answer:
4. A : Would you mind lending your umbrella?
B : Yes, I do.
In this conversation
(1) B is willing to lend it to A (2) B excuses himself
(3) B is hesitant
5. “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”. This sentence
(1) speaks of an utter impossibility
(2) expresses a condition
(3) implies a difficult possibility
(4) states an absurdity
Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrase/verb/ preposition
6. We had a pleasant conversation …………… a cup of tea.
(1) with (2) on (3) over (4) during
7. Some bottles are not suitable ……………. Recycling.
(1) for (2) with (3) to (4) in
Part-4 : Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage and answer questions 8 to 10
The overwhelming vote given by the greater part of the public has so far been in favour of entertainment which passes the time easily, and
satisfies that part of our imagination which depends on the more obvious kind of daydreams. You can argue that these daydreams are usually
substitutes for our own inactivity, ineffectualness, and lack of power or influence, so that we make up for what we secretly regard as our
deficiencies by watching the stimulating adventures of other people who are larger, stronger, more effective, or more beautiful than we are. The
conventional stars act the roles of other people who are larger, stronger more effective, or more beautiful than we are. The conventional West, or
in the jungles we will never visit (we would not dare to, most of us, if we could), or in the underworld of great cities where crime and violence
may not pay in the end, but are very exciting to watch if your youth is being spent in the day-to-day routine of school or office, on the one hand,
or in the kitchen and living - room of 39 Blank St, on the other.
Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, most of us are very conscious of deficiencies in our looks, our clothes, and the circumstances of our
homes. But on the screen we can feast our eyes on people selected to appear because of their good looks, dressed in expensive and sometimes
extravagantly showy clothes, and moving about most of the time in the plushy environment of wealth. What you cannot have yourself, at least
you can continuously look at surrounding other people, and, who knows, one day you may have these things too, like the stars who have come
up from nowhere but now earn large fortunes!
8. Why do we enjoy films in which there are larger-than-life characters?
(1) We don't like films to be true to life
(2) We like the big screen.
(3) Art is not for art's sake
(4) They enable us to compensate ourselves for our shortcomings.
9. Why do we enjoy films based on crime and violence?
(1) Human beings admire criminals.
(2) They provide for us with some relief from the boredom of routine life
(3) Crime and violence have become part of our life.
(4) All human beings are sadists.
10. What aspect of human psychology the author does refer to in the second paragraph?
(1) Human beings enjoy the very sight of qualities and luxuries they are deprived of.
(2) Human psychology is very complex.
(3) Human beings love being poor.
(4) Human being admire themselves.
ICET 2009 Syllabus
The test is designed to measure the candidate's ability to think systematically, to employ the verbal and mathematical skills and to assess his/her aptitude for admission into MBA/MCA programme. The Test emphasises accuracy. Therefore, the candidate is required to go through the instructions carefully. This is an objective type test and the questions are of multiple choice. Out of the given options, the candidate has to choose the correct answer. If the Candidate gives more than one answer to any question, such answers will be ignored while awarding marks.
PATTERN OF THE TEST: The test consists of 200 questions of one mark each in the following topics.
Duration 2 hrs 30minutes
Section-A: Analytical Ability
(i) Data Sufficiency- 20 (No. of Questions)
(ii) Problem Solving- 55
Section-B: Mathematical Ability
(i) Arithmetical Ability -35
(ii) Algebraical and Geometrical Ability -30
(iii) Statistical Ability- 10
Section-C: Communication Ability
(i) Vocabulary -10
(ii) Business and Computer Technology- 10
(iii) Functional Grammar- 15
(iv) Reading Comprehension -15
Total-- 200
The test is designed to measure the candidate's ability to think systematically, to employ the verbal and mathematical skills and to assess his/her aptitude for admission into MBA/MCA programme. The Test emphasises accuracy. Therefore, the candidate is required to go through the instructions carefully. This is an objective type test and the questions are of multiple choice. Out of the given options, the candidate has to choose the correct answer. If the Candidate gives more than one answer to any question, such answers will be ignored while awarding marks.
PATTERN OF THE TEST: The test consists of 200 questions of one mark each in the following topics.
Duration 2 hrs 30minutes
Section-A: Analytical Ability
(i) Data Sufficiency- 20 (No. of Questions)
(ii) Problem Solving- 55
Section-B: Mathematical Ability
(i) Arithmetical Ability -35
(ii) Algebraical and Geometrical Ability -30
(iii) Statistical Ability- 10
Section-C: Communication Ability
(i) Vocabulary -10
(ii) Business and Computer Technology- 10
(iii) Functional Grammar- 15
(iv) Reading Comprehension -15
Total-- 200
ICET 2009 Notification
a) Commencement of sale of application forms : 26-02-2009
b) Last date for the sale & receipt of filled in applications (without late fee) : 28-03-2009 up to 5.00 P.M.
c) Last date for the sale& receipt of filled in applications (with a late fee of Rs.500/- : 10-04-2009 up to 5.00 P.M.
through D.D in favour of The Secretary APSCHE, payable at Hyderabad )
d) Last date for the sale& receipt of filled in applications (with a late fee of Rs.2,000/- : 17-04-2009 up to 5.00 P.M.
through D.D in favour of The Secretary APSCHE, payable at Hyderabad )
e) Date and time of Entrance Test. : 09-05-2009 (Saturday),
from 10.00 12.30 P.M
(inclusive of Registration fee and Test fee)
In terms of orders issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the proceedings by A.P. State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad,
applications are invited for appearance at the integrated Common Entrance Test for admission into 1st year MBA/MCA Degree Course for the
academic year 2009-2010 in the following universities and their affiliated colleges offering MBA/MCA Programme.
1. Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), 2. Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU), 3. Adikavi Nannaya
University (AKNU), 4. Andhra University (AU), 5. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), 6. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
University (BRAU), 7. Dravidian University (DU), 8. JNT University, Ananthapur (JNTU-A), 9. JNT University, Hyderabad
(JNTU-H), 10. JNT University, Kakinada (JNTU-K), 11. Kakatiya University (KU), 12. Krishna University (KrU), 13. Mahatma
Gandhi University (MGU), 14. Osmania University (OU), 15. Palamur University (PU), 16. Rayalaseema University (RU), 17.
S.K. University (SKU), 18. S.V. University (SVU), 19. Satavahana University (SU), 20. Sri Padmavati Mahila Viswavidyalayam
(Women’s University) (SPMU), 21. Telangana University (TU), 22. Vikrama Simhapuri University (VSU), 23. Yogi Vemana
University (YVU).
The Candidates are advised to submit the duly filled in Application Form for Entrance Test by Speed Post through the Head Post Offices or
delivered in person at the Office of The Convener, ICET-2009, Andhra University College of Engineering, Andhra University,
a) The candidates should be Indian Nationals and should satisfy local/non-local status requirements laid down in the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Institutions (Regulations of Admission) Order, 1974 and amended up-to-date (As per GO.Ms No. 108, Higher Education
Dept. dated 30-07-2005).
b) The candidates other than Indian Nationals should satisfy the rules of the concerned universities.
c) A pass (or) appearance at the final year examination of Bachelor's Degree (except BOL and BFA) of any University in Andhra
Pradesh or any other university recognized as equivalent thereto.
d) The candidates seeking admission into MBA course should have passed a Bachelor's Degree Examination of not less than three years
duration from any recognized university or equivalent thereof besides passing SSC or equivalent examination with Mathematics as one
of the subjects.
e) The candidates seeking admission into MCA course should have passed Bachelor's Degree Examination of not less than 3 years
duration in any discipline with Mathematics at 10+2 level (OR) should have passed Bachelor's Degree Examination of not less than 3
years duration in any discipline with Mathematics as one of the subjects.
f) The candidates who are appearing for the final year degree examination shall also be eligible to appear for ICET-2009.
g) Admission into any college depends on its Recognition Affiliation by the respective statutory bodies.
a) Commencement of sale of application forms : 26-02-2009
b) Last date for the sale & receipt of filled in applications (without late fee) : 28-03-2009 up to 5.00 P.M.
c) Last date for the sale& receipt of filled in applications (with a late fee of Rs.500/- : 10-04-2009 up to 5.00 P.M.
through D.D in favour of The Secretary APSCHE, payable at Hyderabad )
d) Last date for the sale& receipt of filled in applications (with a late fee of Rs.2,000/- : 17-04-2009 up to 5.00 P.M.
through D.D in favour of The Secretary APSCHE, payable at Hyderabad )
e) Date and time of Entrance Test. : 09-05-2009 (Saturday),
from 10.00 12.30 P.M
(inclusive of Registration fee and Test fee)
The Convener reserves the right to add or delete any centre from the list and allot accordingly:
Code- Place
11 Anantapur 16. Kakinada 21. Nalgonda 26. Srikakulam
12. Bhimavaram 17. Karimnagar 22. Nellore 27. Tirupati
13. Guntur 18. Khammam 23. Nizamabad 28. Vijayawada
14. Hyderabad 19. Kurnool 24. Ongole 29. Visakhapatnam
15. Kadapa 20. Mahabubnagar 25. Rajahmundry 30. Warangal
5. The application form must be affixed with an attested Black & White passport size photograph taken after 01-01-2009. The computerised
ICR summary sheet must be pasted with unattested identical Black & White photograph.
6. Candidates indulging in Impersonation are liable for prosecution, inviting a punishment of imprisonment for 3 to 7 years with or without
fine ranging from Rs.5,000/- to Rs.20,000/-
10.00 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.
9th May, 2009 (Saturday)
7. The Convener ICET-2009 reserves the right to reject the application of the candidate at any stage if;
(a) the application is incomplete or filled by others : (b) the application is not signed; (c) the candidate fails to satisfy the eligibility
conditions, (d) any false or incorrect information is furnished; (e) the entries in the application form are illegible; and (f) the application is
received after the last date and time notified.
No correspondence for whatsoever reason will be entertained with regard to rejection of application
8. Any change whatsoever including that of Caste/Community/Status of category and change of examination centre made in the application
form will not be permitted once the form is received by the Convener. As per G.O.Ms. No. 58 Social Welfare Dept., Govt. of A.P. Dt.
12.5.1998, the candidates claiming admission into this course under reserved quota meant for SC, ST and BC are required to produce
Integrated Community Certificate issued by the competent authority.
9. MEDIUM OF TEST : English only for Section-C and English & Telugu for Section-A & Section-B of the question paper.
10. The Original Hall Ticket will be sent only by post, and will not be issued to the candidate in person. The Convener will not be held
responsible for non-receipt or postal delay of the Hall Ticket. The candidate has to ensure affixing of postal stamps on envelops provided.
11. In case of non-receipt of Original Hall Ticket, a Duplicate Hall Ticket will be issued to the candidate by the Convener at his office or by
the Chief Superintendent of the test centre concerned to which the candidate is allotted, two days before the entrance test during office
hours on production of the following.
(i) Acknowledgement Card; (ii) Two passport size photographs duly attested by Gazetted Officer with stamp (iii) Demand Draft for Rs.
250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) drawn in favour of the Convener, ICET-2009 payable at any Nationalised Bank in
a) Qualifying Marks for ICET-2009 - The qualifying percentage of marks in the Entrance Test 25% (i.e. 50 marks out of total 200
marks). However, for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, no minimum qualifying percentage of marks is
b) Ranking :Candidates will be given State-wide ranks in the order of merit at the ICET - 2009. For the preparation of merit list, in case
more than one student scores the same ranks at ICET, the tie will be resolved as follows:
(i) By considering the marks scored in Section-A
(ii) If the tie persists, marks obtained by a student in Section-B will be taken into consideration.
(iii) If the tie still persists, the tie will be resolved by taking into account the age of the candidate giving the older candidate
c) Rank obtained in ICET - 2009 is valid for admission into MBA/MCA Course (Full Time / Part Time / Evening / Distance Model of
all universities in Andhra Pradesh for the academic year 2009-2010 only.
d) Evaluation : Every care will be taken to avoid errors in the evaluation, checking, scrutiny, tabulation and ranking. However, request
for re-verification will be entertained on payment of Rs.1000/- by D.D. drawn in favour of the Convener, ICET – 2009 (payable at
Visakhapatnam drawn on any Nationalized Bank), within fifteen days from the date of declaration of results. After this date no
request will be entertained.
e) Rank card will be sent to the candidate by post. Duplicate Rank Card will be issued on payment of Rs.50/- by
D.D. drawn in favour of the Convener, ICET-2009 payable at Visakhapatnam drawn on any Nationalized Bank.
13. The candidates should preserve the Hall Ticket and Rank Card which will have to be produced for verification, at the time of
14. The answer scripts of candidates taking the ICET-2009 will be preserved for six months from the date of announcement of ICET-2009
15. The conduct of ICET-2009 is subject to orders and instructions issued from time to time by the Govt, of Andhra Pradesh and A.P. State
Council of Higher Education.
16. All disputes arising out of any matter concerning ICET-2009 shall be subject to the jurisdiction of AP High Court only. In such disputes,
only the Convener, ICET-2009 and the Secretary, APSCHE can be impleaded as respondents.
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